Underwater construction
Manuals & documents
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Please read this first. The documents featured in this section are available to the public free of charge. However, they remain protected by copyright. Consequently, individuals utilizing them may reproduce them in their entirety or in part for use in manuals, studies, or reports as long as proper recognition is given to the copyrights and the authors' names are cited. For convenience, the records have been organized in chronological order according to their main topics. Nonetheless, supplementary research tools like the below search engine and further categorization by sub-topics in some sections are available to streamline your search. Additionally, it is essential to note that the most recently added documents can be found in dedicated sections on the homepage.
Documents Diving & ROV Specialists The handbooks "Diving & ROV Specialists" and Diving Studies CCO Ltd. are based on scientific and technical documents stored in the various sections mentioned on this homepage. The topics covered include diving systems, the implementation of diving procedures, drug abuse policy implementation, lifting procedures, and more. These studies exist solely and explicitly to present guidelines that we consider relevant to commercial diving. The method used to write them is to analyze all available references for a given topic and select the most appropriate one. Thus, they can be used as components of company manuals or as references. Click the button below to access the folder where they are stored to read and download them.
Diving & ROV procedures and standards This section provides currently enforced diving standards and guidelines adopted by national bodies or published by professional organizations. It also includes procedures published by highly skilled independent authors that can serve as references. Links are provided to organizations that publish paid documents frequently used or imposed on contractors. Note that we believe that every standard or norm imposed on contractors should be available free of charge.
Historical diving This section groups diving standards and guidelines that national bodies adopted or professional organizations published, but they are no longer in force because new versions replaced them. They have been separated from the documents currently in use to avoid confusion. Keeping obsolete documents in a database is essential because they can serve as references for analyzing the evolution of standards or guidelines. These documents, of which the oldest available in the database is the report made to the British Admiralty in 1907 to implement the first diving tables, studied by Haldane et al., constitute our collective memory and should not be ignored.
Scientific papers This section provides scientific documents published from the beginning of the diving industry to the present day. The studies are classified by year of publication, enabling a researcher to follow the evolution of research on a topic from the earliest to the latest study.  Scientific documents are essential as they form the basis on which diving manuals should be written. Diving procedures are written to manage physiological phenomena, not the other way around. Therefore, every diving manual or guideline should refer to scientific studies. This is our approach when writing documents. You can access the scientific paper database by clicking the button provided below. However, note that the "Index for Document Research" described underneath allows you to search for documents using subtopic classification.
The search engine allows for finding documents using keywords.
Studies of ROV and AUV concepts This section gives access to engineering studies of ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicules) and AUV (Autonomus Underwater Vehicles) concepts. These documents come from scientists, universities, and ROV manufacturers. Thus, they can be considered as scientific studies. The industry has adopted some proposed solutions, and others will be adopted later or forgotten. Whatever has happened and will happen, it is interesting to read them. They are classified according to the years of publication. You can access the database by clicking the button provided below.
United Nations conventions & national laws This section links to publications from specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) or the International Labour Organization (ILO), in addition to maritime and labour laws published by countries. Awareness of and understanding of publications from the United Nations and states is essential for people organizing underwater operations. Please note that we provide tools to access some United Nations databases easily. Click on the button below to open this section.
Technical documents - Vessels This section provides publications that discuss vessel design, maintenance, and management rules. This includes guidelines from the US Navy, classification societies, states, and professional organizations, as well as documents from vessel designers and various engineering studies. The button below opens our database, where such papers are classified chronologically.
Technical documents - Diving systems This section links to publications that discuss rules for conceiving, constructing, and maintaining diving systems. Documents published by the US Navy, manufacturers, and classification societies are chronologically stored in our database, which can be opened by clicking the button below.
Underwater construction This section provides descriptions of offshore, harbour, port, and river facilities, such as platforms, floating structures, seabed oil and gas structures, wind turbines, tide turbines, and many others, in addition to methods for installing and maintaining them. These documents are sourced from manufacturers, engineering offices, national and international bodies, etc. They are classified by year of publication. The database can be accessed by clicking the button below.
Non Destructive Techniques (NDT) This section links to publications discussing non-destructive techniques (NDT) applicable underwater and at the surface, as we must remember that such procedures are also used during mobilizations. Documents from various organizations, including the UK HSE and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), are provided to help readers understand the methods employed based on their technical level. They are classified by year of publication, and the database in which they are stored can be accessed by clicking the button below.
Underwater mapping This section provides publications that discuss methods and tools for designing 2D and 3D maps and positioning job sites, vessels, underwater vehicles, and divers on these maps. Note that the progress of the industry results in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) often being used to establish maps and locate targets. Therefore, some of the documents available in this section could be considered AUV procedures. Click on the button below to access these papers.
First aid This section provides articles and books related to first aid procedures during underwater operations and in any work facility. These documents include manuals from official bodies and reports from doctors and emergency teams. Some are directly linked to products presented in the "Medical Equipment" subsection of "Logistics" (see the navigation bar). You can consult and download these documents by clicking the button below.
Videos and animations The videos and animations in this section are published by companies that produce or install equipment, national bodies, and professional organizations. They can be used to illustrate courses, studies, and reports. They are grouped into three sub-sections that can be opened through the button below: 1 - Lifting systems and winches, 2 - Renewable energies systems. 3 - Marine and ROV systems, and diving equipment.
Environmental studies Environmental studies is a complex and interdisciplinary academic field that delves into the intricate interactions between humans and their environment. This field integrates principles from diverse areas such as physical sciences, philosophy, sociology, law, and economics, among others. This section focuses on studies that analyze the impact of industrial and underwater activities on rivers, lakes, and the marine ecosystem.
Docs. Diving & ROV Specialists Diving & ROV procedures Historical diving Scientific papers ROV & AUV new concepts Conventions & laws Technical docs vessels Technical docs diving sytems Non Destructive Tech. (NDT) Mapping First aid Environmental studies Videos & Animations
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