Scientific papers 2022 - Part B
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 10 - Full-Face Mask Use during SCUBA Diving Counters Related         Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Dysfunction. 01 - Editorial: Survival in Extreme Environments – Adaptation or         Decompensation?, Volume I 13 - Effects of high-intensity interval training with hyperbaric oxygen 14 - Contribution of Adenosine in the Physiological Changes and          Injuries Secondary to Exposure to Extreme Oxygen Pressure in         Healthy Subjects 16 - Vascular function recovery following saturation diving 17 - Symptomatic or asymptomatic SAR-CoV-2 positive divers should         be medically evaluated before returning to scuba diving. 11 - Microbiome of Acute Otitis Externa 12 - Oxygen, ROS/RNS, Hypoxia and Hypoxia Inducible Factors 15 - A short, sharp (cold) shock: Healthy or harmful? 18 - A review of accelerated decompression from heliox saturation in        commercial diving emergencies. 20 - Pulmonary Effects of One Week of Repeated Recreational Closed-        Circuit Rebreather Dives in Cold Water. 21 - Hypoxia signatures in closed-circuit rebreather divers 22 - The Normobaric Oxygen Paradox - Hyperoxic Hypoxic Paradox:         A Novel Expedient Strategy in Hematopoiesis Clinical Issues. 27 - Hyperoxic exposure monitoring in diving: A farewell to the UPTD 36 - Longterm ambient hydrocarbon exposure and incidence of         urinary bladder cancer. 38 - Pulmonary barotrauma in SCUBA divingrelated fatalities:         A histological and histomorphometric analysis. 39 - Complete Recovery of an Iatrogenic Venous Gaseous Embolism         (VGE) Clinical Presentation Thanks to a Timely Hyperbaric Oxygen        Therapy (HBOT) Treatment. 19 - Pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange during prolonged         exercise in humans: Influence of dehydration, hyperthermia and        sympathoadrenal activity. 30 - The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of         perioperative peripheral nerve injury: a scoping review of the         literature. 31 - Screening Serum Biomarkers for Rats Preconditioned with         Hyperbaric Oxygen: Potential of Predicting Prognosis for Stroke 40 - Black box of diving accidents: Contribution of forensic underwater        experts to three fatal cases. 41 - Hyperbaric Pressure Effect on Dental Luting Cements 42 - Oxidative Stress Response’s Kinetics after 60 Minutes at Different         (30% or 100%) Normobaric Hyperoxia Exposures 47 - Elevations of Extracellular Vesicles and Inflammatory Biomarkers in        Closed Circuit SCUBA Divers 04 - The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of          radiation Lesions 28 - High Pressure Diving Nervous Syndrome 29 - Ethical considerations regarding animal experimentation 46 - Incidence, outcomes and risk factors of barotrauma in veno-        venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute         respiratory distress syndrome 05 - Naval scuba-diving injuries and associated underwater hazards in        Malaysia 06 - Prolonged Extreme Cold Water Diving and the Acute Stress         Response During Military Dive Training 07 - Pulmonary Barotrauma in Divers During Emergency Free Ascent         Training: Review of 124 Cases 32 - Hypobaric hypoxia and cardiac baroreflex sensitivity in young         women 08 - Studies on saturation diving in Poland and practical application of        their findings. Part 2B. Developing a Polish system of saturation         diving in the 1980s and 1990s 33 - Hypoxia briefly increases diuresis but reduces plasma volume by         fuid redistribution in women 34 - A case of transanal barotrauma by high-pressure compressed air         leading to transverse colon perforation with extensive colon         serosal tear 35 - Potential Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Orthodontic         Treatment: A Systematic Review of Animal Studies 43 - Changes in body mass, appetite-related hormones, and appetite         sensation in women during 4 days of hypobaric hypoxic exposure        equivalent to 3,500-m Altitude 44 - Pulmonary Effects of One Week of Repeated Recreational Closed-        Circuit Rebreather Dives in Cold Water 45 - Effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on liver hepatocyte damage        in oral candidiasis immunosuppressed rats
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Back to the menu 23 - Dysbaric osteonecrosis in diving fisherman: a case report 24 - Lung function changes in divers after a single deep helium-        oxygen dive 25 - Hydration status during commercial saturation diving measured         by bioimpedance and urine specific gravity 26 - The Cooperation Databank:  Machine-Readable Science          Accelerates Research Synthesis 48 - Agreement between ultrasonic bubble grades using a handheld         self-positioning Doppler product and 2D cardiac ultrasound 49 - Inner ear decompression illness in divers 02 - Extended lifetimes of bubbles at hyperbaric pressure may        contribute to inner ear decompression sickness during saturation        diving 03 - The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on cognition,          performance, proteomics, and telomere length—The difference          between zero and one: A case report 09 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes consciousness, cognitive         function, and prognosis recovery in patients following traumatic        brain injury through various pathways 37 - Bioimpedance in CKD: an untapped resource? 50 - Elevated antioxidant defence in the brain of deep-diving pinnipeds