Scientific papers 2000 - 2002
12 - Jean Pierre Imbert: Decompression safety 6 - Bruce R, Wienke & Timothy R. O’Learly: Reduced gradient bubble        model - Diving algorithm, basis, and comparisons. 21 - A. Diaz, S. Taha, JM Berthezene, and JL Diaz : Hernie discale         lombaire et plongee sous marine. 8 - Jonny E. Jr Brian: Gas exchange, partial pressure gradients, and         the oxygen window. 17 - Annette. Branger, Chris. Lambertsen, David Eckmann: Cerebral         gas embolism absorption during hyperbaric therapy: Theory. 46 - Bruce R. Wienke, Timothy R. O’Leary: Deep stops and deep helium 11 - D. D. Gumin: Body composition analysis in US Navy divers 20 - The incidence of venous gas emboli in recreational diving. 32 - Brubback, Hemmingsen, Sundnes: Supersaturation and bubble         formation in fluids and organisms (Document in French) 37 - Kevin g. Kergel: Heat shock proteins: modifying factors in         physiological stress responses and acquired thermotolerance 43 - Y. Arieli, R. Arieli, A. Marx: Hyperbaric oxygen may reduce gas          bubbles in decompressed prawns by eliminating gas nuclei
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 7 - Relationship between the clinical features of neurological       decompression illness and its causes. 10 - Surface tension and bubble formation after decompression in the         pig. 22 - Relationship between right-to-left shunts and cutaneous         decompression illness. 39 - Ascent rate, age, maximal oxygen uptake, adiposity, and        circulating venous bubbles after diving 45 - NOS inhibition increases bubble formation and reduces survival        in sedentary but not exercised rats. 4 - Research on Nitrogen-Oxygen Saturation Diving with Repetitive       Excursions 27 - Oxygen Toxicity 41 - Oxidative stress in allergic respiratory diseases 34 - Decompression sickness during construction of the Great Belt         Tunnel, Denmark - Author: Henning Lykke Andersen 36 - Validation of Decompression Tables       Authors: Ryszard Klos, Ron Nishi, Roman Olszanski 48 - Modifications to heliox tables to reduce extent of bubble         formation 9 - Mixed-gas model for predicting decompression sickness in rats 18 - DAN Nitrox workshop proceeding 23 - Inner Ear Decompression Sickness in Sport Compressed-Air Diving 33 - Effects of decreased pressure decompression illness 38 - Development of myopia as a hazard for workers in pneumatic         caissons 15 - Effect of combined recompression and air, oxygen, or heliox       breathing on air bubbles in rat tissues 44 - An investigation of ear trauma in divers, including ear barotrauma       and ear infection
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Back to the menu 2 - Natural history of severe decompression sickness after rapid ascent      from air saturation in a porcine model. 5 - Brief Introduction to Bioimpedance 13 - Altitude Decompression Illness - The Operational Risk at Sustained        Altitudes up to 35,000 ft. 25 - On the likelihood of decompression sickness during H2         biochemical decompression in pigs 30 - The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data 35 - Using animal data to improve prediction of human         decompression risk following air-saturation dives 47 - Evaluation of decompression safety in an occupational diving         group using self reported diving exposure and health status. 1 - Chronic Jet Lag Produces Cognitive Deficits 3 - Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Nitric Oxide and       Oxygen Free Radicals in Rat Brain 14 - Oxygen measurements in brain stem slices exposed to          normobaric hyperoxia and hyperbaric oxygen 16 - Thermal status of saturation divers during operational dives in the        North Sea 19 - Dehydration and body fluid-regulating hormones during         sweating in warm (38°C) fresh- and seawater immersion 20 - Sleep patterns during 30-m nitrox saturation dives and in a         confined atmospheric environment 24 - Endothelial Dysfunction, Oxidative Stress, and Risk of         Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease 26 - Small amounts of venous gas embolism cause delayed         impairment of endothelial function and increase         polymorphonuclear neutrophil infiltration 28 - Free Radicals in the Physiological Control of Cell Function 31 - Gas bubbles in rats after heliox saturation and different         decompression steps and rates 40 - Exposure to Metal Fume and Infectious Pneumonia 42 - Prevalence and association of welding related systemic and         respiratory symptoms in welders