Scientific papers 1999
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 20 - J. M. Clark, C. J. Lambertsen, R. Gelfand, N. D. Flores: Effects of         prolonged oxygen exposure at 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 ATA on         pulmonary function in men (Predictive Studies V) 12 - Ascent rate and circulating venous bubbles in recreational diving         Authors: D. Carturan, A. Boussuges, F. Molenat, H. Burnet,         J. Fondarai, B. Gardette. 05 - Circulating Venous Bubbles in Recreational Diving: Relationships          with Age, Weight, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Body Fat          Percentage. 16 - Ascent rate, age, maximal oxygen uptake, adiposity, and         circulating venous bubbles after diving. 14 - A model of extravascular bubble evolution: Effect of changes in         breathing gas composition. 04 - The dive profiles and manifestations of decompression sickness          cases after air and nitrogen-oxygen dives - Volume 2: complete          profiles and graphic representations for DCS events 01 - A heated humidifier reduces upper airway dryness during         continuous positive airway pressure therapy. 06 - Sleep patterns during 20-m nitrox saturation dives 19 - Reverse dive profile workshop 03 - Statistically-based decompression tables XI: Manned validation of        the LE probabilistic model for air and nitrogen-oxygen diving. 09 - The dive profiles and manifestations of decompression sickness         cases after air and nitrogen-oxygen dives - Volume 1: Data set         summaries, manifestations, description, and key files. 11 - Comparison of continuous wave Doppler and pulsed Doppler         guided by 2Dechocardiography in the detection of venous gas         emboli. 13 - Implications of the Varying Permeability Model for Reverse Dive         Profiles 02 - Jet Lag: Clinical Features, Validation of a New Syndrome-Specific         Scale, and Lack of Response to Melatonin in a Randomized,         Double-Blind Trial 07 - Predicting risk of decompression sickness in humans from         outcomes in sheep 15 - The Regulation of Mitochondrial Oxygen Uptake by Redox          Reactions Involving Nitric Oxide and Ubiquinol 21 - Impact of a deep saturation dive on semen quality 22 - Estrogen Stimulates Heat Shock Protein 90 Binding to Endothelial        Nitric Oxide Synthase in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells 17 - Tasmania’s aquaculture industry: A ten-year review of improved         diving safety
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08 - Presentation of COMEX project “Ludion” 10 - Electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging after        diving and decompression incidents: a controlled study 18 - UK HSE - Decompression Trials National Hyperbaric Centre, 1999              Offshore technology report - Oto 1999053