Scientific papers 1996 - 1998
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 15 - The incidence of decompression sickness arising from         commercial offshore air-diving operations in UK sector of the         North Sea during 1982/83. 20 - B. W. Hamill, J. E. Hendrix, L. J. Crepeau, J. D. Pelton, M. D. Miley,         E. E. Kadlec: Speech intelligibility assessment in a helium         environment - The speech intelligibility index. 35 - R. Gelfand, C. J. Lambertsen, J. M. Clark, E. Hopkin: Hypoxic          ventilatory sensitivity in men is not reduced by prolonged          hyperoxia (Predictive Studies V and VI) 46 - Yasuhiro Manabe, Kenichi Sakai, Kenichi Kashihara, Toshikiyo         Shohmori: Presumed venous infarction in spinal decompression         sickness. 13 - Evaluation of decompression sickness risk in saturated air and         nitrox dives juged on the basis of changes in haemostasis..        Authors: Romuald Olszanski, Zbigniew Baj, Andrzej Buczynski,         Maciej J. Konarski, Ryszard Klos, Stanislaw Skrzynski, and Krzysztof         Zeman. 18 - Stabilized bubbles in the body: pressure-radius relationships and         the limits to stabilization. 37 - Role of metabolic gases in bubble formation during hypobaric         exposures. 02 - Statistically Based Decompression Tables IX: Probabilistic Models         of the Role of Oxygen in Human Decompression Sickness.        Author: Paul K Weathersby 06 - Statistically Based Decompression Tables X: Probabilistic Models         of the Role of Oxygen in Human Decompression Sickness.        Author: Paul K Weathersby 12 - Detection of circulating bubbles with 2D echocardiography and        pulsed doppler 11 - Recovery time constant in central nervous system O2 toxicity in         the rat  36 - Goran E. Nilsson: Respiratory physiology of vertebrates 07 - Compressed air work - French tables 1992 - Operational result        Authors: (J. C. Le Péchon, P. Barre, J. PBaua'i, F. Ollivier 45 - HeO2 CUMA Repetitive Dive Table Trials - Series 2 and 3       Author: Mark Kessler 10 - Detection of circulating bubbles in breath-hold divers 19 - EEG and sleep disturbances during dives at 450 msw in helium-        nitrogen-oxygen mixture 01 - Effect of SF6-O2 (80/20) breathing on air bubbles in rat tissues        Authors: O. Hyldegaard, J. Madsen 05 - The effects of wave conditions on dry immersion suit isolation: A         comparison between humans and a manikin        Author: Michel B. Ducharme, Christopher J. Brooks
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22 - Pulmonary edema of scuba divers 17 - Doppler-echocardiography study of cardiac function during a         36 atm (3,650 kPa) human dive 24 - Hyperbaric oxygen as a therapy of Bell’s palsy 28 - Effect of dysoxia and moderate air hyperbarism on red-green         color sensitivity 29 - Influence of wet suit wear on anxiety responses to underwater        exercise 30 - Reversibility in blood-brain barrier, rnicrocirculation, and histology        in rat brain after decompression 34 - Decompression Induced Venous Gas Emboli in Sport Diving:         Detection with 2D Echocardiography and Pulsed Doppler 40 - Patent foramen ovale and decompression sickness in sports divers 41 - Risk of decompression sickness in shallow no-stop air diving:         An analysis of naval safety center data 1990 - 1994, 42 - Clearing Up The Confusion About “Deep Stops” 03 - Cardiopulmonary changes with moderate decompression in rats
Authors: B.D. Butler, R. Robinson, T. Little, J.E. Chelly, and M-F. Doursout The authors investigated the cardiovascular and pulmonary responses of laboratory rats to moderate decompression stress. Rats were compressed to 616 kPa for 120 minutes and then decompressed at 38 kPa/min. They concluded that moderate decompression profiles cause detectable cardiovascular and pulmonary responses in rats.
08 - Anesthetic and Convulsant Properties of Aromatic Compounds        and Cycloalkanes: Implications for Mechanisms of Narcosis 09 - Nitric oxide, superoxide, and peroxynitrite: the good, the bad,         and the ugly 14 - The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Occupational and         Environmental Lung Diseases  16 - Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats 23 - Superoxide Anion Radical (O2), Superoxide Dismutases, and         Related Matters 25 - High-pressure-mediated dissociation of immune complexes         demonstrated in model systems
Authors: Charles Y. Cheung, David J. Green, Gerald J. Litt, and James A. Laugharn, Jr This study demonstrated that high hydrostatic pressure can disrupt immune complexes in two model systems: prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with its antibody and epiglycanin with its specific antibody. The dissociated antibodies were able to rebind to their antigens, indicating that the pressure-induced dissociation was reversible. These findings suggest that high hydrostatic pressure could enhance the sensitivity and specificity of clinical assays.
26 - Diver’s hand: a skin disorder common in occupational saturation        diving 27 - Salivary Melatonin as a Circadian Phase Marker: Validation and         Comparison  to Plasma Melatonin 31 - Role of NO in the O2 and CO2 responsiveness of cerebral and         ocular circulation in humans 32 - Nitric oxide regulates oxygen uptake and hydrogen peroxide         release by the isolated beating rat heart. 33 - Identification of infectious Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in an        occupational saturation diving environment 38 - Lymphocyte subsets and adhesion molecules expression in         heatstroke and heat stress. 39 - Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activities during heliox       exposure at 24 atm abs. 04 - Haemoconcentration in neurological decompression illness 21 - Decompression sickness from saturation diving: a case control         study of some diving exposure characteristics 43 - Risk of decompression sickness with patent foramen ovale  44 - Intrathoracic pressure changes after Valsalva strain and other         maneuvers: implications for divers with patent foramen ovale