Scientific papers 1990 - 1995
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 1 - E. D. Thalman & Weinberg: Effects of hand and foot heating on        diver thermal balance. 8 - Edward D. Thalmann: Testing of revised unlimited-duration      upward excursions during helium-oxygen saturation dives. 11 - C. J. Lambertsen, J. M. Clark: Extension of oxygen tolerance in man 20 - B. A. Hills & P. B. James: Microbubble damage to the blood-brain           barrier: Relevance to decompression sickness. 36 - B. Gardette, J.Y. Massimelli, M. Comet, C. Gortan, H.G. Delauze:          HYDRA 10 - A 701 msw onshore record dive using “Hydreliox”. 32 - A Boussuges, p. Ambrosi, G. Habib, D. Cartran, B. Gardette, JM        Sainty: Detection of circulating bubbles with 2D echocardiography       and pulsed dopler. 13 - James M Chimiak: US Navy nitrox diving applications 46 - Noise hazard in the diving environment         Authors: J Nedwell, K Needham 54 - Balance Testing in Saturation Diving        Authors: Stein Hege Nordahl, Torbjorn Aasen, Otto Inge Molvaer 55 - CO2 retention during hyperbaric exercise while breathing 40/60        nitrox.        Authors: D Kerem, Y. I. Daskalovic, R Arieli, A Shupak 35 - The oxygen window and decompression bubbles: Estimates and        significance. 22 - Paul K Weathersby: Statistically-Based Decompression Tables. 6.         Repeat Dives on Oxyen/Nitrogen Mixes 6 - Metabolic Equivalents (METS) in Exercise Testing, Exercise      Prescription, and Evaluation of Functional Capacity 30 - L. Harabin: Human central nervous system oxygen toxicity data         from 1945 to 1986 33 - Ernst B. Völlm:  A new decompression model to Increase safety        for dive computers 37 - A model for predicting central nervous system toxicity from         hyperbaric oxygen exposure in man: Effect of immersion exercise      , and old and new data. 47 - Understanding M-values 28 - Salivary secretion and seasickness susceptibility          Authors: Carlos R Gordon, Avi Shupak 34 - Spinal Cord Decompression Sickness in Sport Diving.
Authors: judith Aharon-Peretz, YohaiAdir, Carlos R. Cordon, Shahar Kol, Nachum Cal, Yefruda Melamed
53 - Pulmonary Barotrauma and Related Events in Divers        Author: Lawrence W. Raymond 19 - Neurological long term consequences of deep diving. 7 - Acute decompression sickness in compressed air workers exposed      to pressures below 1 bar in the Singapore mass rapid transit project 12 - Repetitive diving workshop 16 - Proceedings of AAUS polar diving workshop 42 - Effects of Elevated Pressure and Narcotic Gases on Calcium         Dependent Cell Functions. 45 - He-Nsub2-Osub2: Isobaric Shift and Saturation Decompression 48 - Mixed gas decompression theory with algorithms and statistics 52 - Pulmonary function of patients with spontaneous pneumothorax        in relation to the extent of emphysema-like changes 18 - Effect of He-O2, O2, and N2O-O2 breathing on injected bubbles         in spinal white matter 40 - Protective effect of oxygen and heliox breathing during         development of spinal decompression sickness 43 - Effect of air, heliox, and oxygen breathing on air bubbles in         aqueous tissues in the rat
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Back to the menu 2 - Presentation of the comex diving data base 17 - Decompression tables versus decompression procedures: An         analysis of decompression sickness using diving databases 23 - Predicting the time of occurrence of decompression sickness. 29 - Statistically Based Decompression Tables. 7: Selection and         Treatment of Primary Air and N sub 2 O sub 2 Data 41 - Urinary Indices of Hydration Status 50 - Are asthmatics fit to dive? (UHMS workshop) 4 - Hyperbaric Diuresis is Associated with Decreased Antidiuretic       Hormone and Increased Atrial Natriuretic Polypeptide in Humans 5 - Divers' lung function: small airways disease? 9 - Influence of occupational diving upon the nervous system:       an epidemiological study 24 - Urinary ANE ADH, and electrolyte excretion during saturation-        excursion diving to pressures equivalent to 250 and 300 m 25 - Ocular fundus lesions in sports divers using safe diving practices 26 - The proceedings of the 1990 hypobaric decompression sickness        workshop 27 - Extracellular superoxide dismutase, nitric oxide, and central         nervous system 02 toxicity. 31 - Mechanisms of reduced pulmonary function after a saturation         dive 38 - Molecular Properties of  the "Ideal"  Inhaled Anesthetic: Studies of        Fluorinated Methanes, Ethanes, Propanes, and Butanes 39 - Reversible inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal         enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, by nitric oxide 49 - Cardiovascular Deconditioning Occurs During a 7-Day Saturation        Dive at 31 ATA 3 - Testing of Revised Unlimited-Duration Upward Excursions During      Helium-Oxygen Saturation Dives. 10 - COMEX Report: Facteurs de suceptibility individuelle aux          accidents de decompression (Factors of individual susceptibility          to decompression accidents) 12 - Laboratory-based Evaluation of the Protection Provided Against         Cold Water by Two Helicopter Passenger Suits 15 - COMEX report: Suivi comportemental des plongeurs en         saturation (Behavioral Monitoring of Saturation Divers) 21 - Venous gas emboli and complement activation after deep         repetitive air diving 44 - Immersion fatalities: Hazardous responses and dangerous         discrepancies 51 - Neurological decompression illness: The value of the hematocrit         level Assessment