Scientific papers 2003
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 12 - Independent cerebral vasoconstrictive effects of hyperoxia and          accompanying arterial hypocapnia at 1 ATA. 17 - A. O Brubakk, A. J. Arntzen, B. R. Wienke, S. Koten: Decompression        profile and bubble formation  after dives with surface         decompression:  Experimental support for a dual phase model of         decompression. 18 - A. P. Colvin: Human factors in decompression sickness in         compressed air workers in the united Kingdom 1986-2000 - A         case-control study and analysis using the HSE decompression         database. 14 - Heat stress attenuates air bubble-induced acute lung injury: a         novel mechanism of diving acclimatization. 16 - Heat-induced increases in endothelial NO synthase expression         and activity and endothelial NO release. 9 - Neuronal sensitivity to hyperoxia, hypercapnia, and inert gases       at hyperbaric pressures 5 - Measurement of fatigue following 18msw dry chamber dives         breathing air or enriched air nitrox.         Authors: RJD Harris, D.J Doolette, D.C Wilkinson,  D.J. Williams 11 - Autonomic Mechanisms of Bradycardia During Nitrox Exposure         at 3 Atmospheres Absolute in Humans        Authors: Fumio Yamazaki, Futoshi Wada, Ken Nagaya, Riko Torii,                        Yutaka Endo, Sueko Sagawa, HitoshiYamagushi,                        Motohiko Mohri, Yu-chong Lin, & Keizo Shiraki. 8 - A comparison of oxygen decompression tables for use in       compressed air work 15 - Hyperoxia May Reduce Energetic Efficiency in the Trained Rat 1 - Reducing risk for upward excursions 13 - A biophysical basis for inner ear decompression sickness
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4 - Change of occurrence of type 1 and type 2 decompression         sickness of divers treated at the Croatian Naval Medical Institute         in the period from 1967 to 2000. 10 - Report of the Decompression Illness Adjunctive Therapy         Committee of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society -         including Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Workshop of the         Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 2 - Differential Diagnostic Problems of Decompression Sickness -       Examples from Specialist Physicians’ Practices in Diving Medicine 3 - Increased oxygen before and during decompression reduces       bubble formation in rats 6 - Incidence of probable occupational asthma and changes in       airway calibre and responsiveness in apprentice welders  7 - Hydrogen Sulfide: UK Occupational Exposure Limits 19 - Involvement of Nitric Oxide and Hyperbaric Oxygen in the         Pathogenesis of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Hemorrhagic         Cystitis in Rats