Studies of ROV concepts 2015 - 2017
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 25 - Design and Control of Underwater Robots with Rotating         Thrusters. 1 -  Simulating underwater depth environment condition using        lighting system design. 28 - Development of Handheld Haptics Device for Driving System        of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 42 - Analysis of integrated sensor for unmanned underwater         vehicle application. 9 - DNV-GL: Part 5 Types of UWT systems Chapter 7 Remotely       operated vehicles 32 -  P2-ROV a Portable/Polar ROV 38 - The ROV communication and control 3 -  Underwater Robotics: Surface Cleaning Technics, Adhesion        and Locomotion Systems. 33 - A new redundancy resolution for underwater vehicle–        manipulator system considering payload 41 - A novel localization approach for underwater welding vehicles         in spent fuel pools via attitude heading reference system and         altimeters. 10 - Robust Design of Docking Hoop for Recovery of Autonomous         Underwater Vehicle with Experimental Results. 22 - Towards omnidirectional immersion for ROV teleoperation 40 - A New Remotely Operated Sensor Platform for Interdisciplinary        Observations under Sea Ice 2 -  Unveiling the morphology of the acetabulum in octopus        suckers and its role in attachment 4 - From Swimming to Walking with a Salamander Robot Driven       by a Spinal Cord Model 6 - Identification of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Dynamic      Using Extended Kalman Filter with ARMA Noise Model 7 - Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic interaction       between twounderwater bodies in relative motion 8 -  Octopus-inspired Multi-arm Robotic Swimming 11 - Cephalopod-inspired soft robots: design criteria and modelling        frameworks. 12 - The suction pad attachment is enhanced by spinule friction 13 - Artificial fish skin of self-powered micro-electromechanical         systems hair Cells for sensing hydrodynamic flow phenomena 14 - Modeling cephalopod-inspired pulsed-jet Locomotion for         Underwater Soft Robots 15 - Closing the gap between industrial robots and underwater         manipulators. 16 - Developing and Testing an Anguilliform Robot Swimming         with Theoretical High Hydrodynamic Efficiency 17 - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Motion Response:         A Nonacoustic Tool for Blue Water Navigation 18 - Soft Robotic Grippers for Biological Sampling on Deep Reefs 19 - Biologically Inspired Robots in a New Dimension - A Review 20 - IFAC World Congress 2017 Invited Open Track Proposal:         Marine and Maritime Robotics: Innovation and Challenges 21 - Phototactic guidance of a tissue-engineered soft-robotic ray 24 - A Review of Artificial Lateral Line in Sensor Fabrication and         Bionic Applications for Robot Fish. 26 - Simulation of the flow past a Circular Cylinder Using an         Unsteady Panel Method 29 -  Fast-moving, soft, electronic fish 31 - Development of a Flexible Artificial Lateral Line Canal System         for Hydrodynamic Pressure Detection 34 - Impact of arm morphology on the hydrodynamic behavior of        a two-armed robotic marine vehicle 35 - Broadband achromatic optical metasurface devices 37 - Soft Biomimetic Fish Robot Made of Dielectric Elastomer         Actuators 39 - A biorobotic adhesive disc for underwater hitchhiking inspired        by the remora suckerfish 44 - Improving the localization accuracy of AUVs operating in         highly variable environmental conditions 45 - The Underwater Swimming Manipulator - A Bio-Inspired         Solution for Subsea Operations Back to the menu
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23 - Soft Manipulators and Grippers: A Review 36 - Learning Dynamics and Trajectory optimization for Octopus         Inspired Soft Robotic Manipulators 43 - Deep Learning on Underwater Marine Object Detection:         A Survey 5 - Underwater Single-Beacon Localization: Optimal Trajectory       Planning and Minimum-Energy Estimation 27 - Integrated Motion Planning, Control, and Estimation for Range-        Based Marine Vehicle Positioning and Target Localization 30 -  IPS – a vision aided navigation system