Scientific papers 2010
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 07 - Hyperbaric stress in divers and non-divers: Neuroendocrine and         psychomotor responses 19 - Emmanuel Gempp, Jean-Eric Blatteau: Preconditioning methods        and mechanisms for preventing the risk of decompression         sickness in scuba divers: A review 29 - High incidence of venous and arterial gas emboli at rest after         trimix diving without protocol violations 04 - Effect of in-water oxygen prebreathing at different depths on         decompression-induced bubble formation and platelet activation. 10 - Prognostic factors of spinal cord decompression sickness in         recreational diving: Retrospective and multicentric analysis of 279         cases. 17 - Recompression and adjunctive therapy for decompression illness:          A systematic review of randomized controlled trials 20 - Endurance exercise immediately before sea diving reduces         bubble formation in scuba divers 24 - Evaluation of critical flicker fusion frequency and perceived fatigue        in divers after air and enriched air nitrox diving 16 - Free energy wells for small gas bubbles in soft deformable         materials. 27 - Microparticles initiate decompression-induced neutrophil         activation and subsequent vascular injuries. 15 - Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human        health. 14 - Effects of hyperoxia on ventilation and pulmonary hemodynamics        during immersed prone exercise at 4.7 ATA: possible implications        for immersion pulmonary edema 21 - Thalmann Algorithm Decompression Table Generation Software        Design Document 05 - Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal         Decompression of Divers. 01 - The clinical utility of long-term humidification therapy in chronic          airway disease 18 - Taravana: Documentation of Bubbles by Computerized         Tomography 02 - Paget-Schroetter Syndrome: Review of Pathogenesis and         Treatment of Effort Thrombosis 11 - An Estimation of the Extent of Animal Use in Research in Brazil, as        Determined by Bibliographic Sampling from Journals Published in        the State of Paraná 13 - Cellular Effects of Helium in Different Organs 03 - Future synergism in diving accident management: The Singapore        model. 26 - A case of decompression illness during saturation diving 25 - Venous and Arterial Bubbles at Rest after No-Decompression Air         Dives. 06 - Natural Killer Cells as Biomarkers of Hyperbaric Stress During a         Dry Heliox Saturation Dive 08 - Thermal Problems in Hyperbaric Environments 09 - Cold thermoregulatory responses following exertional fatigue 12 - Interactions of Multiple Gas-Transducing Systems: Hallmarks and         Uncertainties of CO, NO, and H2S Gas Biology 22 - Autonomic activation links CNS oxygen toxicity to acute         cardiogenic pulmonary injury 23 - Roles of dietary inorganic nitrate in cardiovascular health and         disease 30 - Autonomic activation links CNS oxygen toxicity to acute         cardiogenic pulmonary injury 31 - Hypoxia Induces Late Preconditioning in the Rat Heart In Vivo
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28 - Oxygen pretreatment as protection against decompression          sickness in rats: pressure and time necessary for hypothesized          denucleation and renucleation