Diving & ROV Procedures 2019 - Now
BUTTON TEXT Previous page 01 - French regulations 2019 - Diving procedures 06 - Norwegian diving and treatment tables - Fifth edition (2019) 10 - ADCI - International consensus for commercial diving and         underwater operations (6.4 edition).  27 - International Marine Contractor Association guidelines  13 - International Association of Oil &gas Producers (IOGP).   17 - Brazillian Navy directorate of ports and coasts -         NORMAM-15/DPC - Revision 3 (2021).  26 - Diving Medical Advisory Committee (DMAC) 28 - HSE- EH75/2 - Occupational exposure limits for hyperbaric         conditions 29 - EH40/2005 - Workplace exposure limits 03 - Influence of oxygen purity in underwater cutting  05 - Explosiveness of the underwater residual cutting gasses         Part 1: Fresh water  18 - Underwater Cutting Explosions Causes / Effects /         Consequences & Prevention.  11 - A mini ROV-based method for recovering marine instruments       at depth  07 - USN: Guidance for diving in contaminated waters - Rev. 2  09 - USN: Submarine rescue system decompression plan  19 - ADCI & OSHA - Delta-P diving checklist 04 - Irish Health and Safety Authority: Code of Practice for Offshore          Diving.  14 - U.S. Department of the Interior: Diving Safe Practices Manual      - Underwater Inspection Program  15 - Offshore inspection mission modelling for an ASV/ROV         system  20 - Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal         Habitats during the Polar Night Using a Novel Mini-ROV-UHI        Portable System.  21 - Vessel-less underwater inspection at fixed offshore structures        by utilizing mini remotely operated vehicle (Mini ROV).  02 - Arrêté du 14 mai 2019 relatif aux travaux hyperbares         effectués en milieu subaquatique (mention A)  22 - Registration criteria for diving entities in accordance with the        commercial diving regulations 2022 23 - Norwegian Diving- and Treatment Tables - Draft 6th edition 12 - US Navy Salvor’s Handbook - Revision 2  16 - OSHA diving directive - June 2011  24 - NOAA - Diving Standards & Safety Manual - 2023
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Note: Links to organizations such as IMCA, DMAC, or others frequently publishing new or updated guidelines are at the bottom of the page.
08 - BMP West Africa (2020)  25 - IMO Resolution MSC.548(107) - June 2023 -          International code of safety for diving operations