Diving & ROV Procedures 1960 - 2018
7 - US Navy - Emergency ship salvage material catalog - Vol. 1:       Salvage equipment -  Reference USN: S0300-BV-CAT-010 2 - DCIEM Diving manual 33 - NORSOK standards 26 - UK diving at work regulations 1997 - Approved code of           practice and guidance.  3 - Coral fishing trimix decompression table MT95.  37 - US Navy diving manual - Revision 7.  31 - Dutch legislation hyperbaric labour 2014.  8 - US Navy - Emergency ship salvage material catalog - Vol 2:        Pollution equipment - Reference USN: S0300-BV-CAT-020 11 - US Navy - Underwater cutting and welding manual -          Reference USN: SO300-BB-MAN-010 - CHG-B 23 - US Navy salvage manual volume 1 - Strandings and harbor         clearance and afloat salvage - Revision 2 14 - US Navy: Operation and maintenance manual for the          emergency evacuation hyperbaric stretcher.        Reference USN: SH700-A2-MMC-010 (REV2) 39 - EDTC - safe working pratices 15 - US Navy: Cleaning and gas analysis for diving application       handbook - Rerence USN: SS521-AK-HBK-010 16 - ROV use for cave mapping and modeling 22 - Mapping of artificial reef habitats by side scan sonar and ROV        in the northweatern mid-atlantic coastal ocean. 5 - Active sonar-based bottom-following for unmanned underwater       vehicles 40 - How do you cut underwater? - Survey result  13 - USN: A Navy diving supervisor’s guide to the nontechnical         skills required for safe and productive diving operations 17 - Underwater welding - A review 18 - Underwater bridge inspection 19 - Underwater bridge repair, rehabilitation, & countermeasures 36 - A guide to survey and clearance of underwater explosive         ordnance 12 - Electrical Conductivity/Salinity Fact Sheet 9 - German employers’ - Diving regulations BGV C23 25 - Danish consolidated act on diving operations and diving         equipment 27 - The South African Department of Labour: Code of practice         commercial diver training.
These guidelines consist of five documents that came in force in 2014: 1 - Commercial diving projects offshore. 2 - Commercial diving projects inland/inshore. 3 - Recreational diving projects. 4 - Media diving projects. 5 - Scientific and Archaeological diving projects. They can be downloaded by clicking on the picture of the cover, or at this address: https://www.hse.gov.uk/diving/acop.htm Note: Clicking on the titles above allows opening each document.
 28 - The South African Department of Labour: Code of practice          for inshore diving  29 - The South African Department of Labour: Code of practice         for scientific diving 34 - DNV-GL: Guideline for offshore diving 45 - Irish safety, health, and welfare at work diving regs. 2018 30 - ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles  21 - World Health Organization - Guide to ship sanitation - Third         edition 1 - Unit Pulmonary Toxic Doses (UPTD) tables according to the       document "Use of the University of Pennsylvania institute for       environmental medicine - Procedure for calculation of       cumulative oxygen toxicity" 32 - UK-HSE - The medical examination and assessment of         commercial divers (MA1)  6 - Marine Technology Society - ROV committee:      Operational effectiveness of unmanned underwater systems 4 - UK-HSE A guide to the Work in Compressed Air Regulations       1996 Next page Next page 41 - Back to the future: occupational diver training in Australia  10 - Atlas of pilot charts        (US national imagery and mapping agency)
The “Atlas of Pilot Charts” is an essential source of information for those involved in diving and ROV operations to evaluate the more favorable periods and those to avoid in a particular area. It consists of five books that depict the prevailing weather patterns, including wind directions and speeds, wave heights, ocean currents, visibility, barometric pressures, sea surface temperatures, percentage possibilities for winds of Force 8 or greater, and ice limits to be found in the areas covered for each month of the year. Click on the pictures or the titles below to open the corresponding documents. Atlas of pilot charts Indian Ocean (2001) Atlas of pilot charts North Pacific Ocean (1994) Atlas of pilot charts South Pacific Ocean (1998) Atlas of pilot charts North Atlantic Ocean (2002) Atlas of pilot charts south Atlantic Ocean (1995)
35 - Offshore personnel transfer by crane 42 - Transfer of Personnel by Crane between Vessels  24 - US Navy salvage manual volume #2 Pol offloading 43 - ITA guidelines for good working practices in high pressure         compressed air - ITA working group #5 - working group #5  20 - NOAA - Diving Medical Standards and Procedures Manual         (Edition 08/2010)
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Back to the menu 38 - Optimal Motion Planning for Range-Based Marine Vehicle          Positioning in the Presence of Unknown Currents 44 - New Zealand Health and Safety at Work Act - Nov. 2018:        Bounce diving