Scientific papers 2019
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 35 - Effect of helium preconditioning on neurological decompression        sickness in rats.            Authors: Rongjia Zhang, Hongda Bi, Ning Zhang, Ting Zhang,  Zhouheng Ye,                         Xuejun Sun, Yongchao Yu, Anatol Manaenko, & Ling Zhang. 43 - Early hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves survival in a model of         severe sepsis. 09 - Commercial divers’ subjective evaluation of saturation 11 - Static metabolic bubbles as precursors of vascular gas emboli         during divers’ decompression: A hypothesis explaining bubbling         variability. 20 - High Bubble Grade After Diving: The Role of the Blood Pressure         Regimen 38 -  A single simulated heliox dive modifies endothelial function in          the vascular wall of ApoE knockout male rats More than females. 31 - Inflammation associated with noise-induced hearing loss 16 - Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on complete blood count 32 - Influence of oxygen enriched gases during decompression on         bubble formation and  endothelial function in self-contained         underwater breathing apparatus diving: a randomized controlled        study. 33 - Gas micronuclei underlying  decompression bubbles may explain        the influence of oxygen enriched gases during decompression         on bubble formation and endothelial function in self-contained         underwater breathing apparatus diving 04  - Altered Venous Blood Nitric Oxide Levels at Depth and Related         Bubble Formation During Scuba Diving. 13 - Poland’s path towards decompression realization in underwater         works part 2. decompression tables for commercial deep sea         diving in Poland 05 - Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity in Navy Divers: A Crossover Study         Using Exhaled Breath Analysis After a One-Hour Air or Oxygen         Dive at Nine Meters of Sea Water. 15 - Markers of Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity in Hyperbaric Oxygen         Therapy Using Exhaled Breath Analysis 22 - Circadian rhythm of exhaled biomarkers in health and asthma 25 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy effects on pulmonary functions:          A prospective cohort study 27 - In vitro evidence of decompression bubble dynamics and gas         exchange on the luminal aspect of blood vessels: Implications for        size distribution of venous bubbles 28 - Pulmonary oxygen toxicity in saturation dives with PO2 close to        the lower end of the toxic range — A quantitative approach 30 - Effects of repeated, long-duration hyperoxic water immersions         on neuromuscular endurance in well-trained males 34 - Calculated risk of pulmonary and central nervous system oxygen        toxicity: A toxicity index derived from the power equation 45 - Is a 12-h Nitrox dive hazardous for pulmonary function? 10 - Povidone-iodine and glycerine for treatment of acute otitis externa 14 - Efficacy of 10% ichthammol glycerine pack and steroid-antibiotic         pack for relieving pain in acute otitis externa. A comparative study. 41 - Studies of body weight/heart weight ratio in treated and         untreated experimental barotrauma. 44 - Effect of nitrogen narcosis on free recall and recognition memory        in open water. 19 - Immunopathology of Airway Surface Liquid Dehydration Disease 48 - Gas micronuclei that underlie decompression bubbles and         decompression sickness have most probably been identified –         in response to the Letter to the editor from Dr David Doolette 23 - Decompression illness 24 - Systematic review on the effects of medication under hyperbaric        conditions: consequences for the diver 29 - The effect of high pressure on the NMDA receptor: molecular         dynamics simulations 39 - High Pressure Stress Response: Involvement of NMDA Receptor        Subtypes and Molecular Markers 40 - Evaluation of Divers’ Neuropsychometric Effectiveness and High       -Pressure Neurological Syndrome via Computerized Test Battery         Package and Questionnaires in Operational Setting 46 - Perfluorocarbons for the treatment of decompression illness: how        to bridge the gap between theory and practice 47 - Downs and Ups of Decompression Diving: a Review 42 - Metabolic remodelling of mice by hypoxic-hypercapnic         environment: imitating the naked mole-ra 02 - Gas micronuclei that underlie decompression bubbles and         decompression sickness have not been identified 21 - Diving Into Research of Biomedical Engineering in Scuba Diving 54 - Is there any association between Urine Specific Gravity and stress        eating?
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01 - The Impact of Repetitive Hyperbaric Exposure during SCUBA         Diving on Cochlear Implants 06 - CNS function and dysfunction during exposure to hyperbaric         oxygen in operational and clinical settings 26 - Demonstration by Infra-Red Imaging of a Temperature Control         Defect in a Decompression Sickness Model Testing Minocycline 36 - Natural Tolerance to Ischemia and Hypoxemia in Diving         Mammals: A Review 53 - Electrode System Analysis for Bioimpedance Cardiac Diagnosis 03 - Physiological stress markers during breath-hold diving and         SCUBA diving 07 - Divers risk accelerated fatigue and core temperature rise during         fully-immersed exercise in warmer water temperature extremes 08 - The effect of breath-hold diving on selected adaptive mechanisms         in the circulatory-respiratory system in simulated static and          dynamic apnoea 12 - The effect of acute stress on salivary markers of inflammation:         a systematic review protocol 17 - Early detection of diving-related cognitive impairment of different        nitrogen-oxygen gas mixtures using critical flicker fusion frequency 18 - An alternative mechanism underlying the protection against         decompression illness by helium preconditioning 37 - Microparticle and interleukin-1Beta production with human         simulated compressed air diving 49 - Assessment of fitness for recreational scuba diving in candidates         with asthma: a pilot study. 50 - Behind the Scenes of Noninvasive Brain–Computer Interfaces:         A Review of Electroencephalography Signals, How They Are         Recorded, and Why They Matter 51 - Diving and mental health: the potential benefits and risks from a          survey of recreational scuba divers 52 - In vitro evidence of decompression bubble dynamics and gas         exchange on the luminal aspect of blood vessels: Implications for         size distribution of venous bubbles