Scientific papers 2020
01 - Diving in the Arctic: Cold Water Immersion’s Effects on Heart Rate        Variability in Navy Divers 02 - Power Equation for Predicting the Risk of Central Nervous System        Oxygen Toxicity at Rest 05 - Adaptive response triggered by the repeated SCUBA diving is         reflected in cardiovascular, muscular, and immune biomarkers 11 - Chronicles of  hyperbaric oxygen treatment Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 03 - Efficacy of UV-C disinfection in hyperbaric chambers 12 - Persistent extravascular bubbles on radiologic imaging after        recompression treatment for decompression sickness: A case report. 14 - Effects of inspiratory muscle training versus high intensity interval        training on the recovery capacity after a maximal dynamic apnoea        in breath-hold divers. A randomised crossover trial. 21 - First impressions: Use of the Azoth Systems O’Dive subclavian         bubble monitor on a liveaboard dive vessel. 28 - Effect of antiplatelet and/or anticoagulation medication on the         risk of tympanic barotrauma in hyperbaric oxygen treatment         patients, and development of a predictive model. 36 - Xuebijing attenuates decompression-induced lung injuries. 39 - Effects of freediving on middle ear and eustachian tube function 42 - Dysbaric osteonecrosis (DON) among the artisanal diving         fishermen of Yucatán, Mexico. 44 - A review of diving practices and outcomes following the        diagnosis of a persistent (patent) foramen ovale in compressed air       divers with a documented episode of decompression sickness. 46 - Common mental health conditions among navy divers: A brief         report 47 - Investigating critical flicker fusion frequency for monitoring gas         narcosis in divers 22 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Descriptive Review of the         Technology and Current Application in Chronic Wounds 29 - Monoplace chamber treatment of decompression illness: Review        and commentary 30 - Change in Oxidative Stress Biomarkers During 30 Days in         Saturation Dive: A Pilot Study 40 - Acclimatization and Deacclimatization to Oxygen: Determining         Exposure Limits to Avoid CNS O2 Toxicity in Active Diving 08 - Manned validation of a US Navy Diving Manual, Revision 7, VVal-        79 schedule for short bottom time, deep air decompression diving 20 - Cardiovascular testing of seasickness in healthy volunteers on life        rafts. 23 - Emergency decompression from heliox saturation dives 24 - Pulmonary barotrauma during hypoxia in a diver while         underwater. 25 - Rare pulmonary barotrauma after explosive decompression: a         case report. 26 - Pupillometry is not sensitive to gas narcosis in divers breathing         hyperbaric air or normobaric nitrous oxide 37 - Nitrogen Narcosis In Diving 41 - The Visible Behaviour of Drowning Persons: A Pilot Observational          Study Using Analytic Software and a Nominal Group Technique 48 - Diving with diabetes - A review of recommendations 15 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients with COVID-19 43 - Regulation of plasma volume in male lowlanders during 4 days of         exposure to hypobaric hypoxia equivalent to 3500 m altitude
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Back to the menu 07 - Multinomial Probabilistic Modeling for Decompression Sickness         using Gas Content and Bubble Volume Models 16 - Enhanced Detection of Bubble Emissions Through the Intact         Spine for Monitoring Ultrasound-Mediated Blood-Spinal Cord         Barrier Opening 17 - A review of big data and medical research 18 - Tetranomial decompression sickness model using serious, mild,          marginal, and non-event outcomes 49 - Effects of hyperbaric nitrogen narcosis on cognitive performance        in recreational air SCUBA dvers: An auditory event-related brain        potentials study. 53 - Teaching Self-Assessment of Doppler Ultrasound for Bubble         Grading in Divers: Learning Curve, Reliability, and Surveying         Precision. 04 - A Qualitative Study on Pre-performance Routines of Diving:        Evidence From Elite Chinese Diving Athletes 27 - Lung macrophages are involved in lung injury secondary to         repetitive diving 31 - Risk factors of decompression sickness in scuba diving 45 - Severe Decompression Sickness Associated with Shock and Acute        Respiratory Failure 50 - The Correlation Between Migraine and Patent Foramen Ovale 06 - European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM): EUBS &        ECHM position statement on the advisability of recreational and         professional diving and performing diving medical examinations         during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak 09 - Probability of Decompression Sickness and Venous Gas Emboli         from 49 NASA Hypobaric Chamber Testswith Reference to         Exploration Atmosphere 10 - Are interconnected compartmental models more effective at         predicting decompression sickness risk ? 13 - Ultrasonic Detection of Intravascular Free Gas Phase in Diving         Research 19 - Bubbles in the skin microcirculation underlying cutis marmorata        in decompression sickness: Preliminary observations 32 - Diving after SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection: Fitness to dive          assessment and medical guidance 33 - Thermoregulatory Strategies of Diving Air-Breathing Marine         Vertebrates: A Review 34 - The changes in pulmonary functions in occupational divers:          smoking, diving experience, occupational group effects 35 - Is the probable spillage of the lung surfactant Check for updates        dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine the ultimate source of diabetes         type 1 ? 38 - The Beneficial Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Scuba Diving on          Human Mental Health 51 - Acute spontaneous spinal cord infarction: Utilisation of hyperbaric        oxygen treatment, cerebrospinal fluid drainage and pentoxifylline 52 - The contribution of human error to occupational accidents          among traditional divers.