Environmental studies 2019 - 2020
Back to the menu Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 06 - Natural Tolerance to Ischemia and Hypoxemia in Diving         Mammals: A Review. 16 -  The Effects of Ship Noise on Marine Mammals - A Review  20 -  Conditioned Variation in Heart Rate During Static Breath-Holds         in the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). 18 -  Slowing deep-sea commercial vessels reduces underwater          radiated noise  36 - Field Manual for Imagery Based Surveys using Remotely         Operated Vehicles (ROVs).  07 - Actinobacteria Isolated From Laminaria ochroleuca: A Source         of New Bioactive Compounds.  05 - Chemical Pollution of Coastal Waters in the Izmir Bay, Aegean        Sea 14 - Modeling of synergetic action of radiation and chemical         pollution on the environmental safety  22 - Chemical pollution imposes limitations to the ecological status        of european surface waters  33 - Indoor air quality in healthcare and care facilities: chemical         pollution and microbiological contamination 35 - Chemical pollution: A growing peril and potential catastrophic        risk to humanity 38 - Towards a systematic method for assessing the impact of         chemical pollution on ecosystem services of water systems  26 - Aqua rover 10 - Manual of tests and criteria 12 - A Literature Review on Types of Contamination (Biological,         Chemical, Medical  37 - A Diver-Portable Respirometry System for in-situ Short-Term         Measurements of Coral Metabolic Health and Rates of         Calcification  17 - Amount and Fate of Gas and Oil Discharged at 3400 m Water        Depth From a Natural Seep Site in the Southern Gulf of Mexico  19 - Oceanographic Drivers of Deep-Sea Coral Species Distribution        and Community Assembly on Seamounts, Islands, Atolls, and         Reefs Within the Phoenix Islands Protected Area  21 - ROV’s Video Recordings as a Tool to Estimate Variation in         Megabenthic Epifauna Diversity and Community Composition        in the Guaymas Basin  24 - Underwater Visual Records of Marine Megafauna Around         Offshore Anthropogenic Structures 23 - Geographical diversity in the occurrence of extreme sea levels        on the coasts of the Baltic Sea
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25 - Underwater Noise Emission Due to Offshore Pile Installation:        A Review 29 - Contributions of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in         microplastic pollution research: A review 31 - Underwater noise characterization of down-the-hole pile driving        activities off Biorka Island, Alaska 32 - Revolution Wind Underwater Acoustic Analysis - Impact Pile         Driving during Turbine Foundation Installation 01 - Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on        beaked whales 08 - Powering the Blue Economy: Exploring Opportunities for Marine        Renewable Energy in Maritime Markets  09 - Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments - Exposure to        Benzene: A Major Public Health Concern  15 - Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms as Novel Ecosystems: A Global         Perspective  27 - Dynamic Satellite Seascapes as a Biogeographic Framework for        Understanding Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Florida Keys        National Marine Sanctuary, United States  28 - Comparison of Environmental Effects from Different Offshore         Wind Turbine Foundations 34 - A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic         Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON) 39 - Optimal Design of a Hybrid Energy System for the Supply of         Clean and Stable Energy to Offshore Installations  02 - Influence of natural climatic conditions on the spatial position of        the underwater gas pipelines on the Lena floodplain 03 - Marine Heat Waves and the Influence of El Nino off Southeast         Queensland, Australia 04 - Deep-Sea Biofilms, Historic Shipwreck Preservation and the         Deepwater Horizon Spill 11 - ROV Observations on Reproduction by Deep-Sea Cephalopods         in the Central Pacific Ocean  13 - A Shallow Water Ferrous-Hulled Shipwreck Reveals a Distinct         Microbial Community  30 - Operating Cabled Underwater Observatories in Rough Shelf-Sea         Environments: A Technological Challenge