Scientific papers 2006
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 16 - Gisele ML Mouret: Obesity and diving. 17 - The effects of air bubbles on ultrasound velocity measurements. 19 - Handbook on Hyperbaric Medicine. 12 - Gas nuclei, their origin, and their role in bubble formation.          Authors: J.E. Blatteau, J. B. Souraud, E. Gempp, A. Boussuges. 9 - Pre-treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation reduces bubble         formation and platelet activation 7 - Dehydration Effects on the Risk of Severe Decompression Sickness      in a Swine Model 18 - Short oxygen prebreathing and intravenous perfluorocarbon         emulsion reduces morbidity and mortality in a swine saturation         model of decompression sickness. 2 - Effects of 30m nitrox saturation dive on the immune system in man 15 - To Burn or not burn - High oxygen mixtures. 5 - Venous bubble count declines during strenuous exercise after an        open sea dive to 30 m. 14 - Modelling and Measurement of Bubbles in Decompression         Sickness. 6 - Exogenous Nitric Oxide and Bubble Formation in Divers. 26 - Incidence of Ischemic Brain Lesions in Hyperbaric Chamber         Inside Attendants. 21 - The SANDHOG criteria and its validation for the diagnosis of          DCS arising from bounce diving. 24 - CNS oxygen toxicity in closed-circuit diving: Signs and symptoms        before loss of consciousness 20 - The relative safety of forward and reverse diving profiles 4 - Proceeding of advanced scientific diving workshop
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1- Genetic AVP deficiency abolishes cold-induced diuresis but does      not attenuate cold-induced hypertension 3 - Dehydration Effects on the Risk of Severe Decompression Sickness      in a Swine Model  8 - Nitric oxide amplifies the excitatory to inhibitory neurotransmitter       imbalance accelerating oxygen seizures 10 - Hyperoxic and hyperbaric-induced cardioprotection: Role of         nitric oxide synthase 3 11 - Contribution of thermal and nonthermal factors to the regulation        of body temperature in humans 13 - Effect of a short-acting NO donor on bubble formation from a         saturation dive in pigs 22 - Neurological manifestations of decompression illness in         recreational divers - the Cozumel experience 23 - The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced         alterations in human cardiovascular function. 25 - Decompression sickness in the rat following a dive on trimix:         recompression therapy with oxygen vs. heliox and oxygen