UN conventions and national laws 1900 - 2014
2 - United Nations Convention on the Law of the sea 16 - International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification         and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 9 - Guidelines and specifications for hyperbaric evacuation systems -       Res. A.692(17) 12 - Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems - Circ. 645 20 - International code of safety for high-speed craft, 2000 - MSC.97 41 - NORMAM-04/DPC - Marine authority standards for the operation        of foreign-flagged vessels in brazillian juridictional waters 1 - Internet links to IMO resolutions and maritime facts 3 - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from       Ships, 1973 (MARPOL) 4 - IInternational Convention on Standards of Training, Certification,       and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW) 1978 14 - International Maritime Organization - Code of safety for diving         systems 1995 31 - Final Act of the Conference of Parties to the International        Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and        Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)1978 (Manila - 2010) -         Documents STCW/CONF. 2/32; STCW/CONF. 2/33; STCW/CONF.       2/34. 22 - International convention for the control and management of         ships' ballast water and sediments - 2004 - BWM/CONF/36 35 - Guidance for minimizing the transfer of invasive aquatic species         as biofouling (hull fouling) for recreational crafts - MEPC.1/Circ.792 34 - 2011 guidelines for the control and management of ships'         biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species -         MEPC 62/24/Add.1 37 - Guidance for evaluating the 2011 guidelines for the control and          management of ships biofouling to minimize the transfer of          invasive aquatic species - MEPC.1/Circ.811 40 - International trade and invasive alien species 42 - Regulation No 1143 of the European paliament and the council         of the 22 October 2014 on the prevention and management of         the introduction and spread of invasive alien species 10 - Guidelines for the organization of organizations acting on behalf         of the administration - resolution A.739(18) - 22 November 1993 13 - Specifications on the survey and certifications functions of         recognized organizations acting on behaelf of the administration        - resolution A. 789(19) 23 nov 1995 19 - Amendments to the international safety management (ISM)         code - Resolution msc 104(73) 5 dec 2000. 24 - adoption of amendments to the international management code         for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention -          Resolution msc 179(79) -10 dec 2004. 29 - Amendments to the international management code for the safe        operation of ships and for pollution prevention -         Resolution msc 273(85) -10 dec 2008. 38 - Amendments to the international management code for the safe        operation of ships and for pollution prevention -         Resolution msc 395(92) - 21 dec 2013. 5 - ILO - C155 - Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981      (No. 155) 28 - The ASEAN Charter 32 - IMO: International Maritime law institute 39 - Labour laws and practices in ASEAN 43 - ILO - Creating Safe and Healthy Workplaces for All 6 - IMO resolution a. 536 code of safety for diving systems.      Adopted on 17th November 1983 7 - Register of lifting appliances and items of loose gears -  ILO       Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health in Dock       Work (No. 152), 1979  Back to the menu
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8 - Note on the role of employers’ and workers’ organizations in the       implementation of ILO Conventions and Recommendations 21 - International Labour Standards on Employment policy 11 - International management code for the safe operation of ships         and pollution prevention A 18/Res.741 15 - General requierements for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)         for all electrical and electronic ship’s equipment - A 19/Res. 813 17 - IMO - Guidelines for anchoring systems for MODUs -         MSC/Circ.737 18 - International life-saving appliance (LSA) code - MSC.48(66) 23 - International convention for the safety of life at sea (SOLAS) -         ed 2004 (resolution MSC.474(102) to be added) 25 - Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply         vessel -  MSC.235(82) 26 - Amendments to the international life-saving appliance (LSA)        code -  MSC.218(82) 27 - Code of safety for special purpose ships 2008 - MSC 84/24/add.2 30 - Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore         Brilling units 2009 - A 26/Res.1023 (2009 MODU code) 33 - IMO - International code for application of fire test procedures         2010 -MSC.307(88) Next page Next page 36- Application of health and safety law offshore - Guidance on the        legislative changes introduced by the Health and Safety at Work        etc Act 1974 (Application outside Great Britain) Order 2013