First aid 2022 - Now
Back to the menu BUTTON TEXT Previous page 01 - Clinical Management of Intraosseous Access in Adults in         Critical Situations for Health Professionals. 04 - NUI Compact chest compression device (NCCD) - User         manual 02 - Nurse’s Experiences in Handling Stretcher Patients on         Commercial Medical Escort in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study. 03 - Optimization of Multi-Objective Mobile Emergency Material          Allocation for Sudden Disasters 05  - Recent advances in the use of high flow nasal oxygen          therapies 07 - Exclusive detection of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons using         bilayer oxide chemiresistors with catalytic overlayers 10 - Altitude induced decompression sickness 09 - A systematic review of interventions for resuscitation following        drowning 11 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation during hyperbaric oxygen         therapy: a comprehensive review and recommendations for         practice 13 - Delivering manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in a         diving bell: an analysis of head-to-chest and knee-to-chest         compression techniques 14 - An evaluation of the NUI Compact Chest Compression Device       (NCCD), a mechanical CPR device suitable for use in the        saturation diving Environment 16 - The Impact of Inotropes and Vasopressors on Cerebral          Oxygenation in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and          Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Narrative Review.
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06 - Handbook of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & First Aid 08 - S2k guideline for diving accidents 12 - Effectiveness of Intranasal Analgesia in The Emergency         Department 17 - Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Joint Management in the         Prehospital Environment: A Case Report 18 - Parenteral, Non-Intravenous Analgesia in Acute Traumatic Pain—        A Narrative Review Based on a Systematic Literature Search 15 - Factors causing emergency medical care overload during         heatwaves: A Delphi study 19 - Comparison of the utilization of disaster medical assistance teams        and multiple physician-staffed helicopters in mass casualty         responses 20 - Heatwaves Impact on Prehospital Emergency Medicine:        A Qualitative Study to Improve Sustainability and Disaster         Preparedness in Veneto Region, Northern Italy