Studies of ROV concepts 2023 B
Back to the menu Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 09 - Localization Uncertainty Estimation for Autonomous         Underwater 10 - Recent progress on underwater soft robots: adhesion,         grabbing, actuating, and sensing 11 - Underwater Undulating Propulsion Biomimetic Robots:         A Review 01 - Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamic Performance and         Self-Propulsion of a UUV near the Seabed 05 - A Distributed Intelligent Buoy System for Tracking Underwater        Vehicles 06 - An Image Enhancement Algorithm for Autonomous         Underwater Vehicles: A Novel Approach 07 - Design and Fabrication of a Low-Cost Multi-Purpose         Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle 08 - ROV Sliding Mode Controller Design and Simulation 12 - Application Field and Development Trend of Small Autonomous       Underwater Vehicle 13 - Visual-Aided Shared Control of Semi-Autonomous Underwater        Vehicle for Efficient Underwater Grasping 18 - Biologically inspired virtual aperture extension method for small        aperture HFSWR multielement array 19 - Bubble Plume Tracking Using a Backseat Driver on an         Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 20 - Design of a Control System for an Autonomous Underwater         Vehicle EDYSYS1 21 - Multimodal Global Trajectory Planner for Autonomous         Underwater Vehicles 22 - A Control Architecture for Developing Reactive Hybrid Remotely          Operated Underwater Vehicles 14 - Underwater computational imaging: a survey 17 - UNav-Sim: A Visually Realistic Underwater Robotics Simulator and        Synthetic Data-generation Framework
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02 - Drag reduction using bionic groove surface for underwater         vehicles 03 - Cross-Coupled Dynamics and MPA-Optimized Robust MIMO         Control for a Compact Unmanned Underwater Vehicle 04 - The Polarized Light Field Enables Underwater Unmanned         Vehicle Bionic Autonomous Navigation and Automatic Control 15 - Diver Identification Using Anthropometric Data Ratios for         Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration 16 - An Observer-Based Adaptive Neural Network Finite-Time         Tracking Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles via         Command Filters