Environmental studies 2022
 Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page  Back to the menu 18 -  Underwater Drone Architecture for Marine Digital Twin:          Lessons Learned from SUSHI DROP Project.  25 -  A low-cost, long-term underwater camera trap network          coupled with deep residual learning image analysis.  1 - World economic forum: Fostering Effective Energy Transition        2022
28 - Environmental Impacts of Offshore Geothermal Energy  2 - Movements and Diving Behavior of the Eastern North Pacific       Offshore Killer Whale (Orcinus orca).
17 - Historic Wooden Shipwrecks Influence Dispersal of Deep-Sea        Bio films.
7 - Frontiers in quantifying wildlife behavioural responses to       chemical pollution
12 - Modeling the Chemical Pollution of the Area by the Random-        Addition Method
13 - Toward Assessing Absolute Environmental Sustainability of         Chemical Pollution
21 - Ocean Medical Waste Detection for CPU-Based Underwater        Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
22 - Combining functional diversity of lotic fish communities with         river health assessment based on multi-metric chemical        pollution and biological integrity index models
4 - Drone Surveys Are More Accurate Than Boat-Based Surveys        of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
11 - Bottlenose dolphin responses to boat traffic affected by boat        characteristics and degree of compliance to code of conduct
6 - Use of Some Aquatic Plants as Bioindicator of Contamination        with Hydrocarbons and Heavy Elements : A Review.
16 - Aliphatic hydrocarbons biodegradation by a pseudomonas         strain  19 - Understanding Economic Impacts to the Commercial Surfclam        Fishing Industry from Offshore Wind Energy Development.
 29 - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination: Its Effects and         Treatment Approaches – A Mini Review.
3 - A Dendrophyllia ramea Population in the Ionian Sea
8- Barkley Canyon Gas Hydrates: A Synthesis Based on Two       Decades of Sea floor Observation and Remote Sensing
9 - Hydrocarbons composition of sea bottom sediments (Balaklava      Bay, Black Sea)
26 - Fish surveys on the move: Adapting automated fish detection         and classification frameworks for videos on a remotely         operated vehicle in shallow marine waters
27 - Islands in the mud: The South Texas banks provide crucial         mesophotic habitat for coral communities
31 - Deep-sea biology in undergraduate classrooms: Open access       data from remotely operated vehicles provide impactful        research experiences.
32 - Group definition for underwater observation of wild Indo-        Pacific bottlenose dolphins
10 - The Bioerosion of Submerged Archeological Artifacts in the         Mediterranean Sea: An Overview
14 - Short-Term Response of Deep-Water Benthic Megafauna to          Installation of a Pipeline Over a Depth Gradient on the          Angolan Slope
24 - Conserving Rockfishes: Barotrauma and Descending Devices          in the Northeast Pacific
33 - The unknown fate of macroplastic in mountain rivers
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5 - Study on underwater unexploded munition
15 - Effect of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines on Atmospheric         circulation in California  20 - Ship wake forcing and performance of a living shoreline segment        on an estuarine shoreline
23 - Reef effect of offshore structures on the occurrence and foraging        activity of harbour porpoises
 30 - Measurement principle and technology of miniaturized         strapdown inertial wave sensor