Documents Diving & ROV Specialists
The following studies and manuals explore various techniques for carrying out
diving and ROV operations, as well as analyze certain publications. It is
essential to clarify that we have no affiliation with the organizations mentioned
in these documents. Therefore, our decisions are impartial and not influenced
by any third party. Consequently, the analysis, procedures, and guidelines
proposed in these publications are those we have considered the most
pertinent for the matters discussed. Readers have full autonomy to assess
whether our recommendations align with their needs and interests and if
joining the organizations mentioned above would be beneficial.
Click on each document's cover photo for downloading purposes.
- Study CCO Ltd No 1 - “Organize air & nitrox continuous diving
- Study CCO Ltd No 2 - “Organize the maintenance of diving
- Study CCO Ltd No 3 - “Implement a drug and alcohol abuse policy”
- Study CCO Ltd No 4 - “Strengthen the US Navy saturation diving
- Study CCO Ltd No 5 - “Implement NORMAM-15/DPC saturation
diving procedures”
- Study CCO Ltd No 6 - “Reflections regarding umbilical lengths
when diving from a DP vessel”.
- Document Diving & ROV Specialists - “Description of a saturation
diving system”.
- Saturation diving handbook
This Manual, which comprises four documents and an appendix, is a compilation of
elements from three publications, which have been considered suitable for their purpose
by recognized diving specialists in addition to diving contractors and their clients.
- The saturation diving manual CCO Ltd, which was 1st published in 2014.
- The diving study #5 CCO Ltd “Implement Normam-15/PDC saturation diving
- The document Diving & ROV specialists “Description of a saturation system”.
It has been written to provide elements that can be introduced in company manuals and
give information regarding the organization of saturation diving to people who are not
lucky enough to work on such systems or people who have been involved in such
operations during a period of their life but need to refresh their memory. For this reason, it
is designed to be accessible to people with limited diving knowledge.
This manual has been updated to the latest standards in August 2021.
To download the documents, click on the photos of their covers.
- Study CCO Ltd No 7 - “History and evaluation of IMCA D 050
rev. 1.1 - Minimum quantities of gas requiered offshore.”
- Study CCO Ltd No 8 - “Set a policy for electronic devices in
- Study CCO Ltd No 9 - “Analysis of the document IOGP 411 rev. 2021
- Recommended practices for diving operations”
- Study CCO Ltd No 10 - “working at height during the mobilization
and the maintenance of diving and ROV systems”
- Study CCO Ltd No 11 - “About pre-dive conditioning and
commercial diving”
- Surface supplied diving using DCIEM tables
This handbook is, for the moment, composed of 3 books:
Description and prevention of diving accidents.
Elements for preparation.
Air & nitrox diving using in-water and surface decompression.
The reasons for selecting DCIEM tables for this edition are explained in book #2, and other
books are planned to complement the techniques discussed.
- Surface supplied diving using MT92/2019 tables
This handbook is, for the moment, composed of 3 books:
Description and prevention of diving accidents.
Elements for preparation.
Air & nitrox diving using in-water and surface decompression.
The advantages MT92/2019 tables provide compared to other decompression models are
explained in book #2.
Note that other books are planned to complement the techniques discussed.
- Study CCO Ltd No 12 - “Aout standards”
- Document Diving & ROV Specialists “Basic rigging and lifting
procedures handbook”
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