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Studies of ROV concepts 2024 to now
Back to the menu 09 - Generative AI for Unmanned Vehicle Swarms: Challenges,         Applications and Opportunities 10- On-Device Intelligence for AI-Enabled Bio-Inspired Autonomous        Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) 11 - Advancements in Underwater Navigation: Integrating Deep         Learning and Sensor Technologies for Unmanned Underwater         Vehicles 12 - Underwater Multi-Channel MAC with Cognitive Acoustics for         Distributed Underwater Acoustic Networks 24 - Development of an Underwater Detection Robot for the         Structures with Pile Foundation 25 - Antennas for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs):         Reviewing the challenges of underwater communication 26 - Breakthrough underwater physical environment limitations on         optical Information representations: An overview and suggestions
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01- A High-Precision Positioning Method for Autonomous        Underwater Vehicles with Communication Delays 02 - Research on the Heterogeneous Autonomous Underwater         Vehicle Cluster Scheduling Problem Based on Underwater         Docking Chambers 03 - Collaborative Path Planning of Multiple AUVs Based on Adaptive        Multi-Population PSO  04 - Adaptive AUV Mission Control System Tested in the Waters of        Baffin Bay 05 - Optimizing AUV Navigation Using Factor Graphs with Side-Scan        Sonar Integration 06 - Distributed Lyapunov-Based Model Predictive Control for AUV        Formation Systems with Multiple Constraints 07 - Computer Vision-Based Position Estimation for an Autonomous        Underwater Vehicle 08 - Three-Dimensional Path Planning Based on Six-Direction Search          Scheme 13 - Editorial: Unmanned marine vehicles for ocean observation 14 - The Design and Application of a Vectored Thruster for a Negative         Lift-Shaped AUV 15 - A Robust and Adaptive AUV Integrated Navigation Algorithm         Based on a Maximum Correntropy Criterion 16 - Development of Hydroacoustic Localization Algorithms for AUV         Based on the Error-Corrected WMChan-Taylor Algorithm 17 - Robust Prescribed-Time ESO-Based Practical Predefined-Time         SMC for Benthic AUV Trajectory-Tracking Control with         Uncertainties and Environment Disturbance. 18 - Prediction of Drift Trajectory in the Ocean Using Double-Branch        Adaptive Span Attention 19 - Cooling Improvement for High-Power-Density Shell-Mounted         Underwater Propulsion Motors with Heat Bridges 20 - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Cruise Positioning and         Docking Guidance Scheme 21 - Self Supervised Scale Consistent Depth and Ego-motion Learning        from Monocular Video for underwater robots 22 - Analysis of the Effect of Base Station Motion on Underwater         Handovers for Base-Station-Based Underwater Wireless Acoustic         Networks 23 - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with the        Nonlinear Kepler Optimization Algorithm–Bidirectional Long         Short-Term Memory–Time-Variable Attention Model 27 - Development of a Control System for Underwater Vehicles with         Multilink Manipulators Performing Contact Manipulation         Operations 28 - An Invariant Filtering Method Based on Frame Transformed for         Underwater INS/DVL/PS Navigation 29 - A Method for Multi-AUV Cooperative Area Search in Unknown        Environment Based on Reinforcement Learning 30 - Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for        Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation 31 - Affordable 3D Orientation Visualization Solution for Working         Class Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) 32 - Modifications to ArduSub That Improve BlueROV SITL Accuracy         and Design of Hybrid Autopilot 33 - Underwater Robot Target Detection Algorithm Based on         YOLOv8 34 - Research on Multiple AUVs Task Allocation with Energy         Constraints in Underwater Search Environment 35 - Learning Underwater Intervention Skills Based on Dynamic         Movement Primitives 36 - Adaptive Control for Underwater Simultaneous Lightwave        Information and Power Transfer: A Hierarchical Deep-        Reinforcement Approach 37 - Coupled Motion Response Analysis for Dynamic Target Salvage        under Wave Action 38 - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation Enhancement by         Optimized Side-Scan Sonar Registration and Improved Post-         Processing Model Based on Factor Graph Optimization 39 - On the Integration of Complex Systems Engineering and Industry        4.0 Technologies for the Conceptual Design of Robotic Systems 40 - Robust H∞ Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s Time-        Varying Delay Systems under Unknown Random Parameter         Uncertainties and Cyber-Attacks 41- Research on AUV Multi-Node Networking Communication Based       on Underwater Electric Field CSMA/CA Channel 42 - Research on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Optimization        Using a Field Theory-Guided A* Algorithm 43 - Optimized Trajectory Tracking for ROVs Using DNN + ENMPC         Strategy 44 - Attitude Practical Stabilization of Underactuated Autonomous        Underwater Vehicles in Vertical Plane 45 - Design and Implementation of Small Modular Amphibious Robot         System 46 - A Low-Cost Communication-Based Autonomous Underwater         Vehicle Positioning System