Scientific papers 2011 - 2012
9 - Doolette, Gerth & Gault: Redistribution of decompression stop         time from shallow to deep stops increases incidence of         decompression sickness in air decompression dives. 32 - Doolette & Gerth:  VVal-79 Maximum permissible tissue tension          table for Thalmann algorithm support of air diving. 15 - Effects of successive air and nitrox dives on human vascular         function. 55 - Association Between Early Hyperoxia and Worse Outcomes After       Traumatic Brain injury. 2 - Effect of pre-dive hydration on venous gas buble production in       divers. 7 - Venous gas embolism as a predictive tool for improving CNS       decompression safety 27 - Neuroprotective role of the TREK-1 channel in decompression         sickness. 50 - Reliability of plasma D-Dimers for predicting  severe neurological         decompression sickness in scuba divers. 57 - Protective effects of fluoxetine on decompression sickness in mice. 54 - Face cooling with mist water increases cerebral blood flow         during exercise: effect of changes in facial skin blood flow Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 12 - Oxygen breathing or recompression during decompression from         nitrox dives with a rebreather: effects on intravascular bubble         burden and ramifications for decompression profiles 13 - Determinants of arterial gas embolism after scuba diving 51 - Dynamics of gas micronuclei formed on a flat hydrophobic         surface, the predecessors of decompression bubbles 8 - Effect of isobaric breathing gas shifts from air to heliox mixtures on      resolution of air bubbles in lipid and aqueous tissues of       recompressed rats. 39 - The effectiveness of heliox in acute respiratory distress syndrome 34 - Optimization of intermittent oxygen/air exposure protocols         prolongs the safe use of hyperoxia 35- Fatal Paradoxical Air Embolism Diagnosed by Postmortem         Imaging and Autopsy 37 - Exercise carbon dioxide (CO2) retention with inhaled CO2 and         breathing resistance 3 - Harmful Noise Intensity Level Pre Determination System for Noise       Generated Sources 5 - A review of recent neurochemical data on inert gas narcosis 52 - Acute Otitis Externa: An Update 6 - Optimal Decompression of Divers (Applications of Control) 38 - Extremely deep recreational dives: the risk for carbon dioxide (CO2)        retention and high pressure neurological syndrome (HPNS) 40 - Cognitive impairment during 5 m water immersion 14 - Observation of increased venous gas emboli after wet dives         compared to dry dives 18 - Risk factors and clinical outcomes in military divers with         neurological decompression sickness: influence of time to         recompression 19 - Retinal artery occlusion: Visual outcome after treatment with         hyperbaric oxygen 20 - The need for optimisation of post-dive ultrasound monitoring to          properly evaluate the evolution of venous gas emboli 21 - Maintenance of negative-pressure wound therapy while         undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy 22 - The influence of a hyperbaric environment and increased          oxygen partial pressure on the corrosion of dental alloys 23 - Therapeutic hypercapnia. Review 26 - Venous gas embolism after an open-water air dive and identical         repetitive dive 56 - Early genetic responses in rat vascular tissue after simulated diving
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Back to the menu 42 - Lower risk of decompression sickness after recommendation of         conservative decompression practices in divers with and without         vascular right-to-left shunt 43 - The Use of Deep Tables in the Treatment of Decompression         Illness: The Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association 2011        Workshop 47 - Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of childhood autism:         a randomised controlled trial 49 - Effect of repetitive SCUBA diving on humoral markers of         endothelial and central nervous system integrity 24 - Deadly diving? Physiological and behavioural management of         decompression stress in diving mammals. 1 - The Potential Health Benefits of Seaweed and Seaweed Extracts 4 - Decompression sickness bubbles: Are gas micronuclei formed on       a flat hydrophobic surface? 10 - Microparticles, Vascular Function, and Atherothrombosis 11 - Monocytic microparticles activate endothelial cells in an IL-1beta–        dependent Manner 16 - Dietary nitrate reduces muscle metabolic perturbation and         improves exercise tolerance in hypoxia 17 - Microparticle enlargement and altered surface proteins after air         decompression are associated with inflammatory vascular injuries 25 - Concentration of circulating autoanti-bodies against HSP 60 is         lowered through diving when compared to non-diving rats 28 - Respiratory properties of blood in the harbor porpoise, Phocoena        phocoena 29 - Ex Vivo and In Vivo Neuroprotection Induced by Argon When         Given after an Excitotoxic or Ischemic Insult 30 - Saturation Diving Alters Folate Status and Biomarkers of DNA         Damage and Repair 31 - Microparticle production, neutrophil activation, and intravascular        bubbles following open-water SCUBA diving 33 - Nitric oxide-mediated central sympathetic excitation promotes         CNS and pulmonary O2 toxicity 36 - Application of Multifrequency bioelectrical Impedance analysis         Method for the Detection of Dehydration status in professional         Divers 44 - Reactive Oxygen Species in Health and Disease 41 - Decompression vs. decomposition: distribution, amount, and gas         composition of bubbles in stranded marine mammals 45 - Shift work and vascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis 46 - Optimization of intermittent hyperbaric oxygen exposures by         duration of oxygen cycles. 48 - The impact of the circadian timing system on cardiovascular and        metabolic function. 53 - Sedentary behaviour and cardiovascular disease: a review of         prospective studies