Scientific papers 2007 - 2008
04 - Active heating /cooling requirements for divers in waters at         varying temperatures. 25 - Mitchell & Doolette: Selective vulnerability of the inner earto         decompression sickness in divers with right-to-left shunt: the role         of tissue gas supersaturation. 20 - Effect of  hypobaric air, oxygen, heliox (50:50), or heliox (80:20)         breathing on air bubbles in adipose tissue. 29 - Pulmonary gas exchange in diving.         Authors: R. E. Moon, A. D. Cherry, B. W. Stolp, E. M. Camporesi 39 - Bubble formation after a 20-m  dive: Deep-stop vs. shallow-stop         decompression profiles 16 - Eftedal, Lydersen, Brubakk: The relationship between venous gas        bubbles and adverse effects of decompression after air dives. 19 - Hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment reduces the incidence of         decompression sickness in rats. 22 - Beneficial role of exercise on SCUBA diving         Authors: Zeljko Dujic, Zoran Valic, Alf O. Brubakk. 32 - Potential benefits of navy dive computer use in ship husbandry         diving: Analysis of dives conducted at puget sound naval shipyard 34 - D Levett, I L Milar: Bubble trouble: a review of diving physiology         and disease 10 - Haemodynamic changes induced by submaximal exercise before        a dive and its consequences on bubble formation. 11 - Recompression during decompression and effects on bubble         formation in the pig.
15 - Prophylactic statins as a possible method to decrease buble         formation in diving 23 - Preventive effect of pre-dive hydration on bubble formation in         divers. 35 - Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy        Author: Stephen R. Thom 36 - Predive sauna and venous gas bubbles upon decompression         from 400 kPa. 38  - Effect of oxygen and heliox breathing on air bubbles in adipose         tissue during 25-kPa altitude exposures Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 06 - Effect of heliox, oxygen and air breathing on helium bubbles after        heliox diving. 12 - Heliox, nitrox, and trimix diving; hyperbaric oxygen treatment; and        a flaw in Henry's law. 14 - Commentary on Viewpoint "Heliox, nitrox, and trimix diving;          hyperbaric oxygen treatment; and a flaw in Henry's law" 26 - Compressed breathing air - The potential for evil from within        Authors: Ian Millar & Peter G Mouldey 03 - Decompression sickness in the rat following a dive on trimix:         Recompression therapy with oxygen vs. heliox and oxygen. 41 - Gas bubbles may not be the underlying cause of decompression         illness – The at-depth endothelial dysfunction hypothesis. 21 - Heliox  therapy 33 - Bubble Formation After a 20-m Dive 02- Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in Health and Disease 07 - Health status of professional divers and offshore oil industry         workers 09 - VVal-18 and VVal-18M Thalmann Algorithm Air Decompression        Tables and Procedures 13 - Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity: Investigation and Mentoring 17 - Three hours dives with exercise while breathing oxygen partial         pressure of 1.3 atmospheres 31 - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the Eye 18 - Seasickness pathogenesis and the otolithic organs: Vestibular         evoked myogenic potentials study - Preliminary results. 28 - Decompression risks of excursions 27 - Are pulmonary bleb and bullae a contraindication for hyperbaric        oxygen treatment? 37 - Cold temperature and low humidity are associated with increased        occurrence of respiratory tract infections 01- Physical Fitness of Scientific Divers: Standards and Shortcomings. 30 - Decompression and the deep stop workshop
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Back to the menu 05 - A new class of biophysical models for predicting the probability of        decompression sickness in scuba diving 08 - Use of ultrasound in decompression research 24 - Survival Analysis for Epidemiologic and Medical Research 40 - The physiology and pathophysiology of human breath-hold         diving