Environmental studies 2000 - 2018
13 -  Changes in dive behavior during naval sonar exposure in killer           whales, long-finned pilot whales, and sperm whales 33 - SubCAS: A Portable, Submersible Hyperbaric Chamber to         Collect Living Mesophotic Fishes. 18 - Cardiac function in an endothermic fish: cellular mechanisms         for overcoming acute thermal challenges during diving. 26 - Seabed habitat mapping with underwater photogrammetry 30 -  Sperm whale predator-prey interactions involve chasing and          buzzing, but no acoustic stunning. 32 -  Is Floating photovoltaic better than conventional photovoltaic?         Assessing environmental impacts. 20 -  Mapping of seafloor hydrothermally altered rocks using          geophysical  methods: Marsili and Palinuro seamounts, southern         Tyrrhenian Sea. Next page Next page 7 -  Water Quality Monitoring of Yellow Jacket, river Mazowe,        Zimbabwe: A review 16 - Threats to Coral Reefs: the Effects of Chemical Pollution 19 - Understanding chemical pollution at sea 21 -  Effects of sedimentation, eutrophication, and chemical          pollution on coral reef fishes 23 - Evolution of Chemical Pollution in Catalan Coastal Sediments 25 - A Review on the Chemical Pollution of  Langat River, Malaysia 27 -  A dual center study to compare breath volatile organic          compounds from smokers and non-smokers with and without         COPD 31 - The biosphere and plant chemical pollution 29 -  Developing European operational oceanography for Blue          Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and          ecosystem-based management. 4 -  Guidelines on: the care and use of fish in research, teaching        and testing. 28 - Enhanced Decision Making through Probabilistic Shipwreck         Risk Assessment: Focusing on the Situation in Greece Back to the menu
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3 -  Pile installation demonstration project:        Fisheries impact assessment 8 -  Application of satellite remote sensing to support water resources      management in Africa: results from the TIGER initiative 9 - An investigation of underwater sound propagation from pile      driving 11 - Underwater vibratory sound levels from a battered pile installation        at the seattle colman dock 24 - Developing Sound Exposure Criteria for Fishes 17 - Underwater sound from pile driving, what is it and why does it         matter 1 -  Toxicological Profile for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) 2 -  Multiple spatial scale assessment of coral reef and hard-bottom        community structure in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 5 -  Watching Paint Dry: Organic Solvent Syndrome in late-Twentieth       -Century Britain 6 -  Characterisation of fume from hyperbaric welding operations 10 - Last “Atypical” Beaked Whales Mass Stranding in the Canary         Islands (July, 2004) 12 - Cognitive Symptoms and Welding Fume Exposure 14 -  Differentiating between Underwater Construction Noise of          Monopile and Jacket Foundations for Offshore Windmills:          A Case Study from the Belgian Part of the North Sea 15 - Saturation Diving and Underwater Laboratories: How underwater        technology has aided research on coral biology and reef ecology 22 - Low concentrations of PAHs induce tolerance in nitrifying         bacteria 34 - Advancing marine biological observations and data requirements        of the complementary essential ocean variables (EOVs) and         essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) frameworks