Scientific papers 2004 - 2005
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page 23 - J. P. Imbert, J. Hugon, D. Paris: The arteial bubble model for          decompression tables calculations. 20 - Valerie Flook (USL): Excursion tables in saturation diving         decompression implications of current UK practice (UK HSE). 24 - Charles B. Toner & Robert Ball: The effect of temperature on         decompression and decompression sickness risk: A critical review 28 - C. J. Lambertsen, J. M. Clarck, A. B. Troxel: Optimization of oxygen        tolerance extension in rats by intermittent exposure. 42 - JP Imbert: Deep diving: The comex experience. 3 - Aerobic exercise before diving reduces venous gas bubble      formation in humans. 1 - Z Dujic, D Bakovic, I Marinovic-Terzic, D Eterovic:        Acute effects of a single open sea air dive and post-dive posture          on cardiac output and pulmonary gas exchange inrecreational        divers. 26 - Graphical analysis: Decompression tables and dive-outcome data 27 - Exercise during a 3-min decompression stop reduces postdive         venous gas bubbles 49 - Aerobic exercise 2 hours before a dive to 30 msw decreases         bubble formation after decompression 48 - Two consecutive five-day weeks of daily four-hour dives with          oxygen partial pressure 1.4 atm - Author: B. Shykoff 32 - Treatment of Decompression Sickness in Swine with Intravenous          Perfluorocarbon Emulsion. 34 - A single air dive reduces arterial endothelial function in man 7 - Valerie Flook (USL): Yoyo diving and the risk of decompression        illness (UK HSE report 214). 43 - Allometric scaling of the maximum metabolic rate of mammals:         Oxygen transport from the lungs to the heart is a limiting step. 5 - Oxygen breathing and ventilation 11 - A deep stop during decompression from 82 fsw (25 m)         significantly reduces bubbles and fast tissue gas tensions 13 - CNS oxygen toxicity 19 - Repeated four hour dives with po2= 1.35 atm 41 - Validation of decompression schedules for the Polish Navy 18 - Experimental trials to assess the risks of decompression sickness in         flying after diving. 16 - Caisson disease during the construction of the Eads and       Brooklyn bridges: A review (by W. P. Butler in 2004 )
The Brooklyn bridge design was made by John Augustus Roebling, an architect with a relatively modest experience in suspended bridge construction. He died few days after the beginning of the construction work, after stepping on a cable round and contacting tetanus. His son, Washington Augustus Roebling, took over the project management. Unfortunately, as a fire started in the deepest caisson wooden structure, he spent more than 12 hours at 30 m in the caisson trying to fight the fire and decompressed without any stop. As he became crippled, he was forced to stay at his office. He kept controlling the work with his binoculars while his wife Emily helped him communicating with the workers. When the bridge was inaugurated in 1883, Phineas Barnum demonstrated his strength by crossing the river with the 21 elephants of his circus. Very large caissons were employed in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, one of them being sunk to a maximum depth of 30 m. The working conditions were dramatic and there were at least 27 fatalities. There was neither knowledge nor understanding of the decompression process. Although 110 cases of serious decompression illness were recorded by the attending physician, recompression was not used for treatment. It was on the Brooklyn Bridge project that the word “bends” was coined for decompression illness. A stilted way of walking affected by fashionable ladies of the time was termed “the Grecian Bend”. When the caisson workers showed signs of decompression illness, their painful attitude suggested the Grecian Bend. The term was shortened to “doing the bend” and finally “bends” or “bent” became legitimized by use.
25 - Neurological manifestations in Japanese Ama divers 36 - Robert Boyle’s landmark book of 1660 with the first experiments        on rarified air. 40 - Late Treatment of Severe Brain Injury with Hyperbaric         Oxygenation 45 - Humidity influences exercise capacity in subjects with exercise-        induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) 38 - Improving decompression with custom table design 47 - Energetic costs of diving and thermal status in European         (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
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Back to the menu 39 - Altitude Decompression Sickness Susceptibility: Influence of         Anthropometric  and Physiologic Variables 2 - Effect of hydration status on thirst, drinking, and related hormonal      responses during low-intensity exercise in the heat 4 - Exercise and nitric oxide prevent bubble formation: a novel       approach to the prevention of decompression sickness ? 6 - Soluble transition metals cause the pro-inflammatory effects of       welding fumes in vitro 8 - Effects of nitrogen and helium on CNS oxygen toxicity in the rat 9 - Effects of 10-day confinement on the immune system and       psychological aspects in humans 10 - Intraretinal Oxygenation and Oxygen Consumption in the Rabbit        during Systemic Hyperoxia 12 - Bioelectrical impedance analysis - part I: review of principles and        methods 14 - Nutritional Assessment During a 14-d Saturation Dive: The NASA        Extreme Environment Mission Operation V Project. 15 - Hyperbaric oxygen: its uses, mechanisms of action and outcomes 17 - Supplementation of Antioxidants Prevents Oxidative Stress during        A Deep Saturation Dive 21 - Bioelectrical impedance analysis - part II: utilization in clinical         practice 22 - Mitochondrial a-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex         Generates Reactive Oxygen Species 29 - Weber's syndrome and sixth nerve palsy secondary to         decompression illness: A case report. 30 - Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and the Metabolic         Syndrome among U.S. Adults 31 - Risks for All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes        Associated With the Metabolic Syndrome 33 - Exercise-induced intrapulmonary shunting of venous gas emboli       does not occur after open-sea diving 35 - Molecular mechanisms of vascular adaptations to exercise.         Physical activity as an effective antioxidant therapy? 37 - A Comparison of Three Different Methods to Evaluate         Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation in the Elderly The        Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors        (PIVUS) Study 44 - Fate of manganese associated with the inhalation of welding         fumes: Potential neurological effects 46 - Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen