Scientific papers 2024
Back to the menu 06 - Does dopamine mediate the effects of exercise on cognition? 01 - Effects of oxygen-prebreathing on tissue nitrogenation in         normobaric and hyperbaric conditions BUTTON TEXT Previous page 02 - Stress biomarker changes following a series of repeated static and        dynamic apneas in non-divers 05 - Breathing patterns and associated cardiovascular changes in         intermittently breathing animals: (Partially) correcting a semantic         quagmire 07 - Pulsed Hyperoxia Acts on Plasmatic Advanced Glycation End         Products and Advanced Oxidation Protein Products and         Modulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Human Peripheral Blood         Mononuclear Cells: A Pilot Study on the “Normobaric Oxygen         Paradox” 08 - Occupational decompression sickness: A case report 09 - Risk Factors for Decompression Sickness 10 - Benefit of breath­holding training on the concept of recreational         freediving in healthy adults – a systematic literature review. 11- Review of saturation decompression procedures used in        commercial diving 12 - Oxygen imaging of hypoxic pockets in the mouse cerebral cortex 13 - Oxy-Inflammation in Humans during Underwater Activities 21 - In-field use of I-VED electrical impedance sensor for assessing post        -dive decompression stress in humans. 22 - Net Heart Rate for Estimating Oxygen Consumption in Active         Adults 23 - Oxidative Stress Reaction to Hypobaric–Hyperoxic Civilian Flight         Conditions 24 - The Intricate Balance between Life and Death: ROS, Cathepsins,          and Their Interplay in Cell Death and Autophagy 25 - Progress in the Use of Hydrogels for Antioxidant Delivery in Skin         Wounds
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03 - Further perspectives on measuring pulmonary oxygen uptake         kinetics 04 - Role of Oxygen and Its Radicals in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration:         From Hypoxia to Physoxia to Hyperoxia 14 - Baroreflex dynamics during the rest to exercise transient in acute         normobaric hypoxia in humans. 15 - Depth of SCUBA Diving Affects Cardiac Autonomic Nervous         System 16 - Chain of events analysis in diving accidents treated by the Royal         Netherlands Navy1966–2023 17 - Decompression illness: a comprehensive overview 18 - Prediction of central nervous system oxygen toxicity symptoms        using electrodermal activity and machine learning 19 - Evolutionary genetics of pulmonary anatomical adaptations in         deep-diving Cetaceans 20 - Physiology of deep closed circuit rebreather mixed gas diving:         vascular gas emboli and biological changes during a week-long         liveaboard safari 26 - Evaluation of North Sea saturation procedures through divers         monitoring 27 - Volatile Organic Compounds in Cellular Headspace after         Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposure: An In Vitro Pilot Study 28 - Apnoea as a novel method to improve exercise performance: A         current state of the literature. 29 - Post-exercise hot or cold water immersion does not alter         perception of effort or neuroendocrine responses during         subsequent moderate-intensity exercise