Scientific papers 1996 - 1999
Next page Next page BUTTON TEXT Previous page Back to the menu 14 - The incidence of decompression sickness arising from         commercial offshore air-diving operations in UK sector of the         North Sea during 1982/83. 59 - J. M. Clark, C. J. Lambertsen, R. Gelfand, N. D. Flores: Effects of         prolonged oxygen exposure at 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 ATA on         pulmonary function in men (Predictive Studies V) 19 - B. W. Hamill, J. E. Hendrix, L. J. Crepeau, J. D. Pelton, M. D. Miley,         E. E. Kadlec: Speech intelligibility assessment in a helium         environment - The speech intelligibility index. 33 - R. Gelfand, C. J. Lambertsen, J. M. Clark, E. Hopkin: Hypoxic          ventilatory sensitivity in men is not reduced by prolonged          hyperoxia (Predictive Studies V and VI) 42 - Yasuhiro Manabe, Kenichi Sakai, Kenichi Kashihara, Toshikiyo         Shohmori: Presumed venous infarction in spinal decompression         sickness. 52 - Ascent rate and circulating venous bubbles in recreational diving         Authors: D. Carturan, A. Boussuges, F. Molenat, H. Burnet,         J. Fondarai, B. Gardette. 12 - Evaluation of decompression sickness risk in saturated air and         nitrox dives juged on the basis of changes in haemostasis..        Authors: Romuald Olszanski, Zbigniew Baj, Andrzej Buczynski,         Maciej J. Konarski, Ryszard Klos, Stanislaw Skrzynski, and Krzysztof         Zeman. 17 - Stabilized bubbles in the body: pressure-radius relationships and         the limits to stabilization. 35 - Role of metabolic gases in bubble formation during hypobaric         exposures. 47 - Circulating Venous Bubbles in Recreational Diving: Relationships          with Age, Weight, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Body Fat          Percentage. 56 - Ascent rate, age, maximal oxygen uptake, adiposity, and         circulating venous bubbles after diving. 02 - Statistically Based Decompression Tables IX: Probabilistic Models         of the Role of Oxygen in Human Decompression Sickness.        Author: Paul K Weathersby 05 - Statistically Based Decompression Tables X: Probabilistic Models         of the Role of Oxygen in Human Decompression Sickness.        Author: Paul K Weathersby 11 - Detection of circulating bubbles with 2D echocardiography and        pulsed doppler 54 - A model of extravascular bubble evolution: Effect of changes in         breathing gas composition. 10 - Recovery time constant in central nervous system O2 toxicity in         the rat  34 - Goran E. Nilsson: Respiratory physiology of vertebrates 46 - The dive profiles and manifestations of decompression sickness          cases after air and nitrogen-oxygen dives - Volume 2: complete          profiles and graphic representations for DCS events 06 - Compressed air work - French tables 1992 - Operational result        Authors: (J. C. Le Péchon, P. Barre, J. PBaua'i, F. Ollivier 41 - HeO2 CUMA Repetitive Dive Table Trials - Series 2 and 3       Author: Mark Kessler 09 - Detection of circulating bubbles in breath-hold divers 18 - EEG and sleep disturbances during dives at 450 msw in helium-        nitrogen-oxygen mixture 43 - A heated humidifier reduces upper airway dryness during         continuous positive airway pressure therapy. 48 - Sleep patterns during 20-m nitrox saturation dives 58 - Reverse dive profile workshop 01 - Effect of SF6-O2 (80/20) breathing on air bubbles in rat tissues        Authors: O. Hyldegaard, J. Madsen 04 - The effects of wave conditions on dry immersion suit isolation: A         comparison between humans and a manikin        Author: Michel B. Ducharme, Christopher J. Brooks
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20 - Pulmonary edema of scuba divers 16 - Doppler-echocardiography study of cardiac function during a         36 atm (3,650 kPa) human dive 22 - Hyperbaric oxygen as a therapy of Bell’s palsy 26 - Effect of dysoxia and moderate air hyperbarism on red-green         color sensitivity 27 - Influence of wet suit wear on anxiety responses to underwater        exercise 28 - Reversibility in blood-brain barrier, rnicrocirculation, and histology        in rat brain after decompression 32 - Decompression Induced Venous Gas Emboli in Sport Diving:         Detection with 2D Echocardiography and Pulsed Doppler 38 - Patent foramen ovale and decompression sickness in sports divers 39 - Risk of decompression sickness in shallow no-stop air diving:         An analysis of naval safety center data 1990 - 1994, 40 - Clearing Up The Confusion About “Deep Stops” 45 - Statistically-based decompression tables XI: Manned validation of        the LE probabilistic model for air and nitrogen-oxygen diving. 50 - The dive profiles and manifestations of decompression sickness         cases after air and nitrogen-oxygen dives - Volume 1: Data set         summaries, manifestations, description, and key files. 51 - Comparison of continuous wave Doppler and pulsed Doppler         guided by 2Dechocardiography in the detection of venous gas         emboli. 53 - Implications of the Varying Permeability Model for Reverse Dive         Profiles 03 - Cardiopulmonary changes with moderate decompression in rats 07 - Anesthetic and Convulsant Properties of Aromatic Compounds        and Cycloalkanes: Implications for Mechanisms of Narcosis 08 - Nitric oxide, superoxide, and peroxynitrite: the good, the bad,         and the ugly 13 - The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Occupational and         Environmental Lung Diseases  15 - Decompression comparison of helium and hydrogen in rats 21 - Superoxide Anion Radical (O2), Superoxide Dismutases, and         Related Matters 23 - High-pressure-mediated dissociation of immune complexes         demonstrated in model systems
Authors: Charles Y. Cheung, David J. Green, Gerald J. Litt, and James A. Laugharn, Jr This study demonstrated that high hydrostatic pressure can disrupt immune complexes in two model systems: prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with its antibody and epiglycanin with its specific antibody. The dissociated antibodies were able to rebind to their antigens, indicating that the pressure-induced dissociation was reversible. These findings suggest that high hydrostatic pressure could enhance the sensitivity and specificity of clinical assays.
24 - Diver’s hand: a skin disorder common in occupational saturation        diving 25 - Salivary Melatonin as a Circadian Phase Marker: Validation and         Comparison  to Plasma Melatonin 29 - Role of NO in the O2 and CO2 responsiveness of cerebral and         ocular circulation in humans 30 - Nitric oxide regulates oxygen uptake and hydrogen peroxide         release by the isolated beating rat heart. 31 - Identification of infectious Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in an        occupational saturation diving environment 36 - Lymphocyte subsets and adhesion molecules expression in         heatstroke and heat stress. 37 - Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activities during heliox       exposure at 24 atm abs. 44 - Jet Lag: Clinical Features, Validation of a New Syndrome-Specific         Scale, and Lack of Response to Melatonin in a Randomized,         Double-Blind Trial 49 - Predicting risk of decompression sickness in humans from         outcomes in sheep 55 - The Regulation of Mitochondrial Oxygen Uptake by Redox          Reactions Involving Nitric Oxide and Ubiquinol 60 - Impact of a deep saturation dive on semen quality 61 - Estrogen Stimulates Heat Shock Protein 90 Binding to Endothelial        Nitric Oxide Synthase in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells 57 - Tasmania’s aquaculture industry: A ten-year review of improved         diving safety