Invasive sea species (December 2021)
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The recent discussions between some country leaders, the
representatives of some multinationals, and ecologist organizations
during the COP 26 have given birth to texts reinforcing the necessity
to establish policies to fight greenhouse gas emissions. However, this
highlighting of the climate change process attributed to these gas
emissions put other major pollutions in the shadow.
A reason is that the solutions promoted to control and diminish the
impact of climate change represent a very profitable industrial
market when the control of other types of pollutions that are similar
critical hazards for the planet does not offer the same profitability
potential, although they are the topics of some IMO conventions and
recommendations. It is the case of the fight against the proliferation
of invasive marine species, which is partially linked to the fact that
marine species living in a particular environment are transported to
another location by the ships they temporarily niche on and develop
in their new domain in detriment to the indigenous marine life. As a
result, sea resources that feed human populations are ravaged and
may definitively disappear. This problem is not new, as this process
started as soon as humans began to cross oceans. However,
scientists have highlighted the fact that it is increasing in proportion
with the international maritime exchanges.
In addition to a more reduced interest than the fight against
greenhouse effects, a reason for the delays in implementing these
IMO guidelines, which recommend that a ship leaving an area of the
world to another one must be thoroughly cleaned and are not only
limited to the convention 2004 on the control of ballast waters, is
that they create costs that must be absorbed and several problems
for their organization. Some of these problems are the selection of
the places where the cleaning operations are performed, the
methods to eliminate these organisms and avoid their over
proliferation in the areas of cleaning, and the controls to be in place
to ensure that the vessels are entirely cleaned. Also, the cleansed
ships must sail to their destination without any delay, and the
standby periods resulting from the more frequent cleanings impact
their availability. For these reasons, efficient procedures must be
developed to do these operations in the best possible ways, and it is
evident that it takes time.
However, despite the problems above, things slowly evolute from
pious lyrics to more concrete facts. For example, countries like
Australia or New Zealand already apply these IMO guidelines and
have emitted documents that can be taken as references. That has
opened a profitable market for some companies specialized in hull
cleaning. Nevertheless, the potential market is considerably more
extensive and could replace the activities lost in the petroleum
industry. Thus, what was previously a niche market may become an
essential one.