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Environmental studies 2023 to Now
01 - Acute effects on hepatic biomarkers in the freshwater native         fish Aequidens metae exposed to polycyclic aromatic         hydrocarbons
02 - Oxygenated Hydrocarbons from Catalytic Hydrogenation of         Carbon Dioxide.
21 - Toxic Metals, Non-Metals and Metalloids in Bottom Sediments        as a Geoecological Indicator of a Water Body’s Suitability for        Recreational Use.
23 - Invading the Greek Seas: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Marine         Impactful Alien and Cryptogenic Species.
24 - Roving Diver Survey as a Rapid and Cost-Effective Methodology        to Register Species Richness in Sub-Antarctic Kelp Forests
04 - Industry remotely operated vehicle imagery for assessing          marine communities associated with subsea oil and gas          infrastructure on the continental shelf of South-East Australia
05 - Urgent assessment needed to evaluate potential impacts on         cetaceans from deep seabed mining
31 - Towards remote surveillance of marine pests: A comparison         between remote operated vehicles and diver surveys
32 - Knowns and unknowns of plastic waste flows in the         Netherlands
33 - Implications of a New Test Facility for Fragmentation         Investigations on Virgin (Micro)plastics
09 - Description and distribution of three morphotypes of Eucyclops        serrulatus group (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from         Algerian water bodies
25 - Forensic seismology vis-à-vis an underwater explosion for the         Roks Cheonan sinking in the Yellow Sea of the Korean         Peninsula
27 - Space and underwater PNT change monitoring
08 - Macroplastic fragmentation in rivers
22 - Addressing marine restoration success: evidence of species         and functional diversity recovery in a ten-year restored        macroalgal forest
26 - A two-timescale model of plankton-oxygen dynamics predicts         formation of Oxygen Minimum Zones and global anoxia
30 - Noise and vibrations in offshore wind farms and their impact         on aquatic species
38 - Boyle’s Law ignores dynamic processes in governing         barotrauma in fish
39 - Model of Oxygen Conditions within Aquaculture Sea Cages
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28 - Assessing underwater noise impact from marine projects
34 - Revised Danish Guidelines for Underwater Noise from Installation        of Impact or Vibratory Driven Piles
35 - Vessel noise prior to pile driving at offshore wind farm sites deters        harbour porpoises from potential injury zones.
37 - Comprehensive review on principles and practices of underwater        drilling and blasting, its environmental impacts, and mitigation         Techniques 42 - Modelling drift of cold-stunned Kemp's ridley turtles stranding on        the Dutch coast
03 - Marine zoning for the Marine Plan Partnership (MaPP) in British         Columbia, Canada  06 - Advancing the robustness of risk regulation for offshore drilling        operations in China
07 - Fishing non-compliance and culture
10 - A framework for the integrated assessment of social and         economic values associated with man-made marine structures
11 - Brain activity of diving seals reveals short sleep cycles at depth
12 - Compulsory insurance for cruise vessels as a preparation for the         next pandemic: Law of the sea perspective
13 - Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry:         Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks
14 - Advocacy and Chinas distant water fisheries policies
15 - Mapping the unjust global distribution of harmful fisheries         subsidies
16 - Offshore energy structures in the North Sea: Past, present and          future
17 - Plastic action or distraction? Marine plastic campaigns influence         public engagement with climate change in both general and         engaged audiences
18 - Saving two fish with one wreck: Maximizing synergies in marine          biodiversity conservation and underwater cultural heritage          protection
19 - Towards a prioritization of alternative energy sources for         sustainable shipping
20 - Trade-offs between fisheries, offshore wind farms and marine         protected areas in the southern North Sea  –  Winners, losers         and effective spatial management
29 - Fresh submarine groundwater discharge offshore Wellington        (New Zealand): hydroacoustic characteristics and its influence        on sea floor geomorphology
36 - Decolonising environmental risk assessments of Potentially         Polluting Wrecks: A case study of the wreck of the USS         Mississinewa in Ulithi Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia 40 - Investigation of offshore landslides impact on bucket foundations        using a coupled SPH–FEM method
41 - Risk assessment of war wrecks – a comprehensive approach         investigating four wrecks containing munitions in the German         Bight/North Sea 43 - Discussion on the development of offshore floating photovoltaic        plants, emphasizing marine environmental protection
44 - Extraction of persistent lagrangian coherent structures for the         pollutant transport prediction in the Bay of Bengal
45 - Uranium contamination of bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis,         speciation and localization