The videos below describe some of the SONAR systems discussed
above. Click on the pictures to open them:
Manufacturer: RTsys - SonaDive
Video title:
“Diver held navigation and
sonarsystem SonaDive”.
Manufacturers: Blueprint Subsea
Video title:
“Artemis diver held SONAR
Manufacturers: Blueprint Subsea
Video title:
“Blueprint oculus SONAR”.
Manufacturer: Tritech
Video title:
“Diver mounted display dmd
Manufacturer: Tritech
Video title:
“Helmet mounted sonar
Manufacturer: Tritech
Video title:
“Introducing the diver
mounted display”.
Manufacturer: Northern Diver
Video title:
“Nimrod-V2 presentation”.
Manufacturer: Reeds sonar consultancy
Video title:
“Mannequin demonstration”.
Note that these videos are also available on the manufacturers’
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Divers operating in ports, estuaries, rivers, lakes, enclosed spaces,
and industrial plants are familiar with turbid waters. Such diving
conditions result in limited or no visibility and inefficient lighting due
to the absorption or reflection of the light on matter particles.
Interventions in such conditions require the divers to be adequately
trained and experienced. However, even though divers familiar with
working in such environments acquire the ability to move toward the
target and perform the planned task in the total black, the absence
of visibility results in a lot of time being lost to move prudently in
areas where numerous debris may be present, and carry out the
requested task without seeing his hands and the object on which
the operation is performed. Also, providing a picture of what the
diver works on is impossible.
Such conditions can be improved today by using the last generation
of diver-held SONARs, providing monochrome pictures of the
surrounding, and, thus, the ability to see objects,
SONAR is the acronym for “Sound Navigation and Ranging". This
name describes a family of tools used to measure distances and
detect objects underwater by acoustc emission and reception. The
early models of such devices were voluminous and extremely
expensive, restricting their use to big ships. However, the progress
of the electronic industry regarding prices and miniaturization has
resulted that they can be sold at reasonable prices and used today
by divers to provide quality pictures, such as the images below of a
leaking flange situated in an area of the Surabaya strait where the
visibility equals zero.
SONARs are commonly classified into single or multibeam systems
(beam = sound wave):
Single beam systems emit pings, read the return echoes, and
calculate the time from the emission of each ping to provide
distances. They are commonly used by echo sounders.
Multibeam systems emit multiple acoustic waves in a fan
shape. They can be used to collect distances and backscatter.
Like single-beam systems, the distances are computed by
measuring the time it takes for the sound to leave the
transducer, hit the seafloor or the object, and return.
Backscatter is a measurement of the intensity of the sound
echo that reflects. Backscatter can provide information about
the geology of the seafloor or objects on it. That results in a
monochrome picture with shadows behind the object detected.
The shadows result from sound waves reflecting on the object
when they hit it and not passing behind it.
Note that high frequencies (> 400 kHz) are commonly used for
diver systems. The reason is that such frequencies provide higher
resolution. However, the distance ranges of high-frequency sound
waves are very short compared to lower frequencies that are used
to detect objects situated at long distances.
Three types of equipment are currently available on the market:
Portable single beam SONARs
Multiple beam SONARs without a helmet/mask mounting
system and being part of multifunction devices.
Multiple beam SONARs with a helmet/mask mounting system.
Portable single beam SONARs:
These stystems are limited to only distance measurement.
An example of such systems is the “Dive Scan”, a basic sonar
designed by “RJE International, Inc”, a company based in Irvine,
California - United States of America.
Phone: (949) 727-9399
Screen size: < 2 inches
Weight in air: 0.2 kg
Operational depth: 150 m
Sonar type: Single beam 200 kHz
Distance of detection: 60 m
Battery: 9v alcaline (500 ops), or Lithium (1000 ops)
Multiple beam SONARs without a helmet/mask
mounting system and being part of multifunction devices:
These systems are initially designed for military and police
scuba divers. However, they can be used by surface-supplied
divers for commercial diving applications. The following models
can be taken as references:
Echologger DS 900:
Manufacturer: EofE Ultrasonics Co., Ltd.
Address: Goyang-Si, Gyungki-Do, 10540, Korea
E mail:
Phone: +82-2-3158-3178
Screen size: Approx. 10”
Weight in air & size: 4.3 kg / 230 x 290 x 160 mm
Operational depth: 100 m
Sonar type: multiple beam 900 kHz
Distance of detection: 60 m
Battery duration: 3 hours
Additional functions: Depth sensor, timer, temperature
sensor, compass, camera (1280x720), recorder, & light.
Nimrod V2:
Manufacturer: Northern Diver
Address: Appley Bridge - Lancashire - UK
E mail:
Phone: +44 (0) 1257 25 6944
Screen size: 120 x 80 mm
Weight in air & size: 3.75kg / 169 x 134 x 76 mm
Operational depth: 80 m
Sonar type: multiple beam 700 kHz
Distance of detection: 75 m
Battery duration: Not indicated / Power cable availble
Additional functions: GPS, Compass, Depth sensor,
Clock+stop watch, & Positioning.
Manufacturer: RTsys
Address: Caudan, Brittany - France
E mail:
Phone: +33 297 898 580
Screen size: 12” diagonal
Weight in air & size: 20 kg / 270 x 372 x 560 mm
Operational depth: 100 m
Sonar type: multiple beam 450 kHz / 900 kHz
Distance of detection: O to 300m, depending on the mode.
Battery duration: 6 hours
Additional functions: Pressure sensor, GPS, Low light camera
Communications to divers, surface, and
beacon units. Light, Gradiometer.
Multiple beam SONARs with a helmet/mask
mounting system:
Some models are initially designed for military and Police scuba
divers' purposes. However, some others are initially designed
for surface supply diving. The head mounting allows reading
the SONAR images in very turbid waters. Also, systems with the
emitter/receptor mounted on the helmet or mask provide
pictures corresponding to what is in front of the diver's eyes,
thus, a view of what the diver would see in not turbid waters,
which provides the advantage he can use his two hands and
see what he is doing during the operation.
The following models can be taken as references:
Artemis M750d, M1200d, or M 3000d:
Manufacturer: Blueprint Subsea
Address: Ulverston, Cumbria - United Kingdom
E mail:
Phone: +44 (0)1539 531536
Screen size: 12” & head mounting screen 7”
Weight in air & size: 10.5 kg / 365 x 340 x 215 mm
Operational depth: 100 m
Sonar type: Multibeam M750d: 750 kHz/1200 kHz
M1200d: 1200 kHz/2100 kHz
M3000d: 1200 kHz/3000 kHz
Distance of detection: M750d: 120m/40m,
M1200d: 40m/10m,
M3000d: 30m/5m
Battery duration: 6 to 20 hours, depending on the type.
Topside control system: Optional supervisory kit
Additional functions: Depth sensor, Diving planner, Navigation
system, Dive light, Camera.
Defender 1800 & 3000:
Manufacturer: Reeds Sonar Consultancy Ltd
Address: Bourne - United Kingdom
E mail:
Phone: +44 (0)7881384957
Screen size: Head Mounted Display 800 x 600
Weight in air & size: 11 kg / 43 x 22 x 24 cm
Operational depth: 100 m
Sonar type: Multibeam dual frequency
Defender 1800: 1800 kHz & 1100 kHz
Defender 3000: 3000 kHz & 1800 kHz
Distance of detection: Depending on the mode used
Defender 1800: 35 & 15 m
Defender 3000: 15 & 5 m
Battery duration: 6 hours / Optional power cable input
Topside control system: Optional supervisory kit
Additional functions: Adaptable to ROV
Tritech - Diver Mounted Display (DMD):
Manufacturer: Tritech
Address: Westhill - Scotland
E mail:
Phone: +44 (0)1224 744111
Screen size: Head mounted display through a monocle
Weight in air & size: 8 kg
Operational depth: 100 m
Sonar type: Multibeam dual frequency 1200KHz and 720 KHz,
, depending on the mode used
Distance of detection: 50 to 120 m, depending on the mode
Battery duration: 4 to 19 hrs, depending on the model.
Topside control system: Optional supervisory kit
Additional functions: No additional functions
To conclude
As for many technical tools proposing several variants, the model
selection depends on the operation to be performed and the
supporting tools already available to the diving team. For example,
systems such as the "Tritech diver mounting display" are well
adapted to surface-supplied diving operations (using umbilicals)
from Diving Support Vessels equipped with mapping and positioning
systems. However, systems such as the "Echologger DS 900",
"Nimrod V2", & "SonaDive", more thought for military SCUBA diving
operations from light surface supports, should not be neglected, as
they provide valuable additional functions, such as positioning,
navigation, and communication, that can also be useful for surface-
supplied diving, particularly from surface supports where precise
navigation and mapping systems are not present. Note that the
"Artemis" from Blueprint Subsea seems to propose a mix of the two
design philosophies.
However, the selection of the device should not be limited to only this
aspect, as many other points are to be considered, such as the
prices (which are only communicated confidentially), the
encumbrance of the system, the operational duration of the
batteries, the protection of the head-mounted systems (that may be
damaged in enclosed space areas), the easiness of implementation,
and the robustness of these systems. For all these points, it would
be interesting to have customer feedback. A last point to consider is
that the devices presented have not been thought for saturation
diving, as they are limited to depths between 80 and 100 m. a
complementary investigation will be to see whether they can easily
be adapted to this purpose.
Of course, the list of models should not be limited to only those
presented in this article.
Head mounting system
Head mounting system
Subsea computer
Gemini SONAR